You/Jennifer Honey - Family

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Your eyes widened as the mess in the kitchen

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Your eyes widened as the mess in the kitchen. The mix in the blender had flown out when Matilda had turned on the blender without putting on the lid.

"On a scale of 1-10, how mad do you think mom will be when she finds this mess."

"0, because we'll clean this up. What she doesn't know, won't hurt us. You go look out the window and then let me know when she arrives. I think we still might have an hour before she arrives so that will give us plenty of time for me to clean."

Matilda nodded and rushed to look out the front window. She felt bad about you having to clean the entire mess but you had insisted for her to be the lookout.


You're not even halfway done when Matilda is already yelling that Jennifer is back.

"Shoot! I'm not even close to being done. Sweetheart, why don't you go out and distract you. It might give me more time to clean a little bit more so she won't be too mad at us."

"You can count on my, mum."

You gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and let her run off to greet Jennifer.


"Mommy! You're home early. Mum said that you weren't going to be until another hour from now."

"I know but I was easily able to resolve the conflict so that I can come back to spend time with my two favorite people."

Jennifer happily returned Matilda's hug, carrying her in her arms as she walked to the house.

"Wait! I want to show you one of my drawings. Lets go to my room."

Matilda waits until Jennifer puts her back on her feet before running up the stairs.

"Come on! It's my best one yet. Lets go!"

"Matilda, no running. You could get hurt."

There was something suspicious about all of this. You haven't come out to greet her and Matilda seemed like she was trying to distract you from something but she just couldn't put her finger as to what it could have been. Not wanting to make her daughter wait any longer, she rushes to Matilda's room.

"Do you like it? Mom helped me make it. This is the three of us and the puppy that the two of you promised to get me."

Jennifer smiled at the stick figure of the dog, neither of you had made such promises so this must be another attempt to try to convince the two of you to get a puppy.

"Mm, I don't remember either of us making such promises but I'll talk to your mom about it."

Matilda grins happily, rushing to hug Jennifer.

"Oh, thank you. Thank you!"

"Now come on. Lets go find your mom. She's been suspiciously missing."

"Wait! I want to show you the outfit the I've picked out for the party tomorrow."

This definitely smelled like they were trying to distract her and she was going to get to the bottom of this.

"You can show me tonight. I'm kind of hungry. Lets go see what we'll eat."

"Wait, mommy!"

"Yes, Matilda?"

Jennifer didn't stop as Matilda attempted to turn her back around. Still, Matilda continued to try until the two of them were back at the kitchen.

"Jennifer! You're home!"

You give her a big smile, hoping to distract her from the mess that was still in the kitchen. You hadn't made any improvement.

"I can see that the two of you have taken up baking."

"Yeah..." You winced as a drop of the cake mix fell on your face. "You're still the expert."


Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf.

Only exception is a/b/o prompts. Will not write about these but can write something similar

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Jade Thirlwall - Introductions

Arizona Robbins - Mine

Lena Luthor - Time Travel Part 3

Lauren Cimorelli - Reputation


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now