You/Daenerys Targaryen - Mate Part 2

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"The North will be joining us to discuss

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"The North will be joining us to discuss...."

Daenerys finally looked up to find her council was staring at something in fear. She was confused for a second, not understand what could've caused them to react like that. When she turned around, she completely understood. There you stood, in your wolf form practically snarling to show them your sharp teeth. She bit back a laugh as it looked funny after a while but considering that this was the first time the council saw you in your wolf form, she could understand it was scary.

"We'll finish this meeting tomorrow. You're all dismissed."

The council all stand up and nervously make their way to the door as you stood besides it. To give them one last scare, you attempted to bite one.

"No! Bad puppy."

Daenerys stood up and grabbed your ear to lead you away from the door as it closed.

You whimpered as she continued tugging on it until you were back in the middle of the room.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you?"

Standing up on your hind legs to lean against her, you began to lick her face. She tried pushing you away with no luck. Daenerys eventually succeeds in pushing you away as she starts scratching your belly. Not one to pass up on a belly rub, you lay down on your back and let her continue scratching your belly. Every time she stopped, you just howled until she continued.

When she stands up, you go back on all fours while you followed her out of the room.

"I'm assuming you came here to get me so we could eat?"

Not receiving an answer other than just you licking her hands. Daenerys just laughs and gently pushes you to the direction of your shared room.

"Okay, okay. Go get changed and we'll meet at the dining hall."


"Look who's back. I'm glad you could join us."

Daenerys was already sitting as you arrived in the dining hall.

"Oh hush, you know that I have to shower everytime I phase."

"Well you're lucky that I waited for you. Now come on. I'm starving and I was hoping I could stretch out my wings before night falls."

That rushes you to take a seat and eat. This would be considered the first time she would let you ride on her back and you were excited.


As promised, the two of you headed out to the roof. Daenerys removed the robe she had changed into and allowed herself to transform. After putting up the robe that she had removed, you climbed on her back and within seconds, the two of you are in the air.

Daenerys flies you all around the city and then the outskirts so you could take in the view. Every time you passed people, you would wave at them as they stared in amazement. It was honestly a rare sight when they saw a dragon in the sky and they considered it to be a blessing whenever they saw on. As it starts to get dark, Daenerys flies back to the roof. Not wanting for her to get cold, you rush down to grab her robe and helped her put it on as she changed back.

"That was amazing! I loved it and I love you. Thank you for bringing me along."

You tell her excitedly as you gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Daenerys just blushes brightly, feeling all warm and fuzzy. She had been nervous to take you along in case you might've hated it but she was glad that you enjoyed it.

"and I love you. Lets head back inside. All that flying exhausted me and I have an early morning meeting thanks to someone."

"Pfft, I have no regrets. That got you out of the meeting and I would do it again."

"(y/n)! Don't you dare!"

"Watch me!"

Daenerys started to chase after you and cursed loudly as you transformed and rushed to your bedroom. She really hated when you cheated.


Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Lena Luthor - Too Late Part 2

Natasha Romanoff - Mission Part 2

Liv Rooney - Basketball

Katherine Pierce - Lucifer

Lena Luthor - Soulmate

Emily Dickison - Poem Part 2

Mia Torreto - Sour

Gisele Yashar - ??

Luna Lovegood - Heir

Maeve Wiley - Lucifer

Lena Luthor - Harm

Lena Luthor/Kara Danvers - Fan

Katie McGrath - Dinner

Villanelle - Danger

Jennifer Jareau - Mute


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now