You/Hermione Granger - Confrontation

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"Hermione...Hermione....Hermione..Hermione.....Hermione....Hermione....Hermione, quit ignoring me. I know you can hear me. Hermione!"

You kept whispering for her over and over again as you sat besides her in potions. Hermione tried to ignore you but hearing you call for her name kept distracting her and she knew you weren't going to stop until she answered.


She angrily whispered to you.

"Oh, sorry. Just wanted to see if I could borrow a quill."

Hermione eye twitches at your question.

"Here! Keep it, just quit bothering me."

She tosses the quill at you and turns back to work on her potion.

"Maybe you went a little too far, (y/n)."

"Shut up, Draco. I know that I did. You don't have to tell me."


Draco knew that you weren't going to ever confess to Hermione about your undying love for her so it was up to him to help you.

"Potter, Wealey, I need to talk to you."

"What do you want, Malfoy? Are you here to insult us again?"

"Quite the contrary. I need you help."

"For what? You're always saying that you would rather get killed before you ever ask for our help."

"Yeah, well for (y/n). I would do anything. Listen, I know that the two of you can see that Hermione and (y/n) have a thing for each other."

Harry and Ron look at each other, wondering if this was another plan to get the Gryffindor's to lose more points.

"This is not about us. This is about (y/n) and Hermione. Our issues don't involve them. I just want them to stop denying their feelings and just tell each other how they feel."

"How can we help?"

"Let me finish explaining before you jump in."

"Go on."

"I'm going to upset, Hermione." He holds up his hand to stop Harry and Ron from speaking. "Enough to upset her and I don't want either of you to go comfort her. That's where (y/n) will step in and hopefully they confess to each other."

"Isn't there another way to do this?"

"No, now are you in or not?"

"This truce doesn't mean anything."

"Of course."


You were just coming back from Quidditch practice when you noticed Draco talking to Hermione. It made you suspicious of what he was up to so you made your way over to him.

"You're a useless muggle! Hogwarts made a mistake on inviting you!"


Draco turns to face you and runs off when he realizes you caught him. As he runs off, Hermione runs in the opposite direction. You didn't want to leave Hermione alone after what you heard Draco so you ran after her.

She doesn't stop running until she reaches the Black Lake. You watch her sit against the tree and cover her face as she cries.


She wipes her tears away and pushes away the need to cry when you approach her.

"Are you here to insult me too? I wouldn't past you. Slytherins don't care about anyone but themselves."

You cringe at the way she talks about you.

"No, I came here to comfort you. What Draco said was out of line. You're the best Hogwarts has."

"Why are you telling me this? I thought you hated me."

"I..I don't hate you."

"Then why do you always annoy me. I haven't done anything to you."

You take a seat besides her, playing with your fingers as you think of what to tell her.

"You know how little kids pick on each other. The teachers try to get them to stop but they never do and it eventually comes out that the little kid liked the kid they were picking on."

"...are you saying that you like me?"

"If that's how you want to put it."

Hermione pinches the bridge of her nose at your answer.

"It's a simple yes or no. Do you like me, (y/n)?"

"Okay, yes I do! I never meant to act like that. I just didn't know how to act around you."

You turn to face Hermione when you hear her laugh.

"It's funny because I happen to like you too. I didn't want to because  you would always annoy me but you tended to have your moments where you would be so sweet."


Hermione nods and turns to face you, biting her lip when she notices how close the two of you are.


She seals the distance between the two of you as your lips meet for a kiss.


You were on a warpath after dropping off Hermione at the Gryffindor house.


He turns to whoever is calling him and when he spots you, he starts to run to his room. You chase after him, yelling out a spell to close the door on his face as he gets to the top.

"What he hell? Why would you do that to Hermione?"

"Tell me, did you and Hermione finally confess to each other."

"Draco, no. Please don't tell me that you did that so we could talk to each other."

"I had to! Did it work?"

You reluctantly nod, making him smile.

"See. It was a good thing I did it. Everything worked out in the end."

You grabbed his tie and pulled him close to you face.

"If you ever do that to Hermione again, I will smash your face in. I don't care if we've been best friends for so long."

Draco quickly nods and you let him go.

"Good. Now go apologize to her. I don't want to have to chose between my girlfriend and my best friend."

"you're dating?!"

"Now Draco!"

He scrambles away, rushing to find Hermione. He was too afraid you would actually go through with your threat. At least you got your happy ending and it was totally worth it in his eyes.



I have several prompts to do and will post them in this order

Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Morgana Pendragon - Time Travel

Ginny Weasley - One Sided

Kate Kane - Vigilante

Denna(Legend of the Seeker) - Love


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now