You/Lena Luthor - Photographs Part 1

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AN: This was supposed to be 3 parts but compiled 1 & 2 into 1 part.

You're looking through the several pictures that you had taken that evening in the park

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You're looking through the several pictures that you had taken that evening in the park. You've always liked to go out whenever you can and take pictures of random things just to practice new shots. There were never of random strangers as she knew that more than often, people didn't like their pictures taken but there was often times that strangers would come out in the background. They were always blurry so it hardly mattered but this stranger was clear as a day. You couldn't help but take notice of how beautiful she looked and you suddenly realized that you might've unconsciously taken a shot of her.

The picture was quite beautiful and honestly it would help your profile but you felt bad about the fact that you had taken the picture without her permission. Wanting to try your luck and hope that you could get her to agree to use her image for your profile, you decided to visit the park again and hope you would be lucky and find her.


After work, you headed to the park to get more shots and find the woman. You're too invested in capturing the perfect picture of this bird that you barely notice the same woman in the picture coming out of the coffee shop across the street. Grabbing your equipment, you try to follow after her but are stopped by cars almost running over you as you crossed the street and people getting in your way as you tried to run after her. By the time you're able to pull yourself out of the crowd, she was gone.

Not being able to talk to her on your first try didn't deter you from trying the next day and the day after. It wasn't like you were stalking her to find her, you would just go to the park at around the same time you had seen her and hoped you would find her but your luck wasn't that good. After the first day you had tried to find her, the woman from the picture never appeared again.


"You really think I should just go up to her and tell her that I've developed a major crush on her...You know what, saying it out loud sounds crazy. I'd rather just not go to the coffee shop anymore so I won't accidentally run into her."

"Lena! Have you been listening to me at all? I'm not saying you should just straight up tell her that you're in love with her. Just go up and talk to her. See where things go from there."

Lena sighs and looks down to the park where she's been avoiding going to visit for the past few days. Kara was right, there was no harm on going up and talking to you.

"Okay, I'll talk to her. There's no harm in that, right?"

Kara smiles widely and hugs Lena tightly.



You let out a loud sigh as you laid down in the middle of the grass field to enjoy the sun rays. It had been almost a week since you had last seen the woman and you were thinking it was just pointless to keep coming. There was no way that she would come back out of nowhere after being gone for days. A few minutes after letting yourself fall, something blocks the sun from your face. You open your eyes to find the same woman you've been looking for, smiling down at you.



(Few months later)

You and Lena had become fast friends after she come up and talked to you when you were about to give up on your search for her. The two of you had gotten along real quick since that day at the park. The closer you got as friends, the more you fell in love with her. It was hard hiding the fact that you had feelings for her and considering that she didn't keep anything from you, you decided that you needed to come clean instead of keeping a secret from her.

"Lena, I was hoping we could talk. Could I come over?"

Lena's immediately worried when she hears the tone of your voice. She had never heard you talk like this and it made her sick with worry about what could possibly be making your like this.

"Of course! You know I'm here for you. Is everything okay?"

"Everything is okay. I just...I'll tell you when I come over."


The two of you had been quietly staring at each other since you've arrived. It was difficult to come up with the right words to tell her and it was especially hard when she was just patiently waiting on you to tell her what was on your mind.

Taking a deep breath and closing your eyes, you tell her what you've been hiding from her.

"I'm in love with you."

You were expecting for her to yell at you for lying or getting kicked out but you weren't expecting a pair of soft lips lock with yours. Neither of you pull away until you're both a breath away from passing out.

"I'm in love with you too, (y/n)"

Lena said with a smile.


Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Lena Luthor - Photographs Part 2

Miss Honey - Caught

Sam Arias - Escape

Natasha Negovanlis - Annoyance

Laurel Lance - Friends

Morgana Pendragon - Story

Sam Arias/Lena Luthor - Doubt

Lucy Lane - Pretend

Laurel Castillo - ?? (Fluff)

Diana Prince - Doctor

Nyssa al Ghul - Saved

Selina Kyle - Heirloom Part 2

Sara Lance - Bad Day

Jennifer Jareau - Busy

Lena Luthor - Werewolf Part 2

Daenerys Targaryen - Guard Part 2

Katie McGrath - Introductions

Katie McGrath - Game Night

Danielle Rose Russell - Playgirl

Selena (Underworld) -

Saskia de Merindol -


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now