You/Daenerys Targaryen - Guard Part 3

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Daenerys is unable to tear her eyes off of you as she watches you easily take down 4 soldiers in a matter of seconds

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Daenerys is unable to tear her eyes off of you as she watches you easily take down 4 soldiers in a matter of seconds. Her thighs unconsciously clenched at the thought of what you could do if you weren't afraid of hurting her. Ever since the two you had started training, Daenerys knew you were holding back on her and this was her proof. After you dismissed the 4 men, she removed her coat and unsheathed her sword as she walked to you.

"So you can take down 4 men but you can't handle me? I feel like you're not giving it your all."

You jump in surprise, not expecting for her to come down so soon. Surely, she would've taken a moment to cool down. You give her a smirk and bow before her.

"I tried but I was distracted by you, your grace."

You unsheathe your sword and stand in pose for the two of you to start training.

"No more. If I believe that you're holding back on me, I'm not letting you into my bedroom for a week."

"You can't be serious. It's not my fault that it's impossible to concentrate while training with you."

Daenerys smirks and shrugs her shoulders.

"That's your problem now."

You glare at her but don't say anything as the two of you start to fight against each other. WIth the threat of no longer being allowed in her bedroom, you completely focus in your fight against her. It's easy to do so when you pretend that she's just another soldier that you've asked to train with you. However, that stops working when you hear Daenerys soft moans when you pushed her against one of the rocks. Your focus is back on her and you're suddenly away of the position you're in. You held the sword against her neck with your other hand holding her hands above her head.

"Is that enough for you."

You whisper to her."

Daenerys doesn't say anything, simply just leans in to kiss you, ignoring the slight cut the blade leaves on her when she leans in to kiss you. You drop the sword but continue to hold her hands above her.

"This is more like it."


The two of you continue to train until neither of you are able to concentrate of avoiding each other's swords. Both of you were unbelievable turned on and neither of you could wait a second longer. Daenerys was finally seeing a side of you that she had been waiting to see for a while and you weren't holding back on her. Leaving everything behind, Daenerys takes your hand and drags you to her bedroom where the two of you pass by a laughing Missandei.

"Just for that, go grab our swords and coat from the training grounds."

Missandei doesn't even mind one bit. It had been worth seeing how desperate Daenerys to drag you back to her bedroom so you could fuck her.


Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf.

Only exception is a/b/o prompts. Will not write about these but can write something similar

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Andrea Rojas - Three

Cate Blanchett - Jealous

Alex Danvers - Hired Part 2

Lena Luthor - Werewolf Part 3

Katie McGrath - Con

Jean Grey - Pregnant Part 2

Lena Luthor - SleepTalking Part 2

Lena Luthor - Lord

Dianna Agron -

Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer - Experiment

Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor - Tease

Zelda Spellman - Break Up

Ava Sharpe/Sara Lance - Soulmates Part 2


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now