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And that's why he oh so envied the boy of the name Jung Hoseok.

Ahh Jung Hoseok.

It had a nice ring to it, didn't it?

Everyone knew that common name, as it was constantly talked and brought around the college campus for several reasons.

One being his overall amazing yet eccentric personality, as he had heard, and seen, that the black-haired boy was extremely energetic and outgoing, not once showing any sign of sadness or even a hint exhaustion despite his hectic schedule.

Yoongi couldn't help but be concerned if the boy was hooked on fucking drugs.

But besides the point,,

Not only for his personality and overall appearance (like his amazing and bold fashion sense), but he made himself known by being the social butterfly of the university.

Always attending parties, running clubs and events, participating in the super prestigious and advanced dance team, instructing yoga classes, and even private coaching people with ballet and hip hop segments.

And yet, somehow he still had so much energy, even after being booked and busied 24/7.

It was inhumane.

Yoongi barely believed Hoseok was even real at this point, like possibly sent by the government as a robot spy.

But of course, that's ridiculous.

And whenever Yoongi felt himself comparing his own boring, helpless, useless, lazy lifestyle to Hoseok's thrilling, compelling, and vigorous one, he couldn't help but feel himself go down yet another loophole of self pity.

And he hated crying over himself, it only made him feel even more selfish than he perceived himself to be.

It didn't help that this already perfect male that he couldn't go a day without hearing his name about one hundred times, kept popping up out of no where and had the reputation of being "the human embodiment of sunshine" or "the sweetest person alive".

It was unsettling at this point of how flawless and ideal this man really was.

Not only was his personality, lifestyle, and fashion just ideal in every way shape or form, but he was extremely attractive.

Yoongi would know.

Hoseok actually happened to be in one of Yoongi's classes. They sit far away from each other, since Hoseok was probably not even aware of the other boy's existence, but his pretty and delicate features did not go unnoticed by the elder.

From the dainty fairy nose to the knife-sharp jawline and insanely toned and muscular legs from all his hours spent dancing, the boy was beautiful.

Yoongi couldn't help but stare.

Which sounded creepy, but he only sneaked glances when there was absolutely no way the younger would be able to see him.

Or anyone else, for the matter.

Yoongi just simply couldn't wrap his mind around how someone, attending an average school with ordinary people, could be so..


I mean, the boy obviously had talent, anyone would be stupid not see that.

So why wasn't he somewhere else, where his career and future could take off much more sufficiently than it is now?

Oh, and only to add on to everything else, Hoseok also had this adorable bunny that he just randomly carried around campus as if it was the most casual and normal thing in the world.

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