𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑠 6:6

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Rays of golden sunshine seeped through the sheer curtains of their dormitory, casting auburn hues along their beige painted walls and few items of furniture that took up the remaining space in their small abode. The gray skies and storm clouds were swept away by pastel streaks of early sunrise, where not one sign that there was a rainstorm only hours prior was obvious by the aftermath — which only consisted of rain drops and puddles strewn along the sidewalks and grassy areas of the outdoor campus.

But other than that, it was a beautiful Friday morning in mid September, edging away from the hot summer months and bridging into early autumn as the morning temperatures always causes goosebumps to rise along ones skin or pale rosy pigments along cheeks from the fresh dewiness of the early morning.

Classes wouldn't be starting for another couple hours, since it was only around seven o'clock, so there was no need to rush nor wake up earlier than needed.

However, sometimes the body senses something that awakes the entire system up from a deep slumber.

Because upon realizing that Hoseok's arms were tightly cradling his entire torso and both of their legs were entangled together under the mess of blankets, that's when a group of sensory nerves alerted Yoongi to stir awake in an instant — because even the tiniest snippet of his awakened conscious was enough to do so.

And the moment he peeled his eyes open — immediately being blinded by the bright rays of sunshine bleeding through the tiny cracks of the window shades — his mind instantly registered where they were and what had happened last night: a feeling of pure panic rising in his chest as well as slight regret for being so lenient towards his whiny roommate's pleads.

But amongst all his anxiousness regarding their... placement... a part of him didn't want to move, finding warmth and comfort from how close Hoseok was snuggled up against him or how perfectly their bare legs were knotted together in an infinite knot. And in a weird and peculiar way, it did bring some ease to him — the simple image of Hoseok peacefully dozing off made him look almost angelic in a way, with his side profile on full display for Yoongi to see or the way his arms were protectively wrapped around Yoongi's clothed torso.

But caught up in the wave of adornment, it took Yoongi a couple more seconds to actually process where his own arms were placed.

And the second he did, immediate regret flooded through his entire system, washing out any trace of short term happiness with long term shock seeing as his arms somehow, ended up snaking around Hoseok's waist.

So in simpler terms, the two were cuddling.

Fuck, Yoongi thought, quickly unraveling himself from his roommates hold (somewhat going against the wishes of his own heart) before doing the very next thing that his instincts told him to do.

Which was to shove Hoseok off the bed.

So with one swift motion of his arms, Yoongi shoved the boy off his bed not even feeling the tiniest bit of guilt once tiny whimpers of painful groans filled the room around them.

"Hey what the fuck..." Hoseok croaked, slowly turning his head around against the hard ground only to be met with Yoongi's intimidating and fearful expression — eyebrows knitted together annoyingly with arms sternly crossed against his chest as he stood above his roommate with such a terrifying aura that even scared Hoseok a little bit, despite having grown used to it after four years of dealing with his shit.

"I said not to touch me! Remember?" Yoongi stressed with an agitated sigh, running a hand up and down his face as a disappointed or anxious parent would do in times like this.

Hoseok scoffed, "I wasn't touching you! I kept to my side all night long. And also — thanks to you now my fucking asscheeks hurt," he whined, kneeling up just to massage the part of his butt where it was impacted the most by the rough fall, planting a quite disgusted look along Yoongi's face even though he was the one who caused it.

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