𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑠 6:11

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Except Jung Hoseok was absolutely right.

Yoongi did love him.

But it wasn't just any ordinary platonic type of love, the type of love you'd exchange on the daily with friends or typing casual "ily"'s through texts, nor the type of love where'd you greet family members with a hug or laugh at one of your uncle's corny jokes.

It went way beyond that, past the borderlines of platonic admiration until it extended way into the fountain of romantic infatuation where Yoongi felt himself slowly sinking into more and more every day, finding himself entirely enchanted by the boy's presence.

The boy whom he thought he would've hated for the rest of his life or would've never forgiven for their past childish encounters that solely consisted of insulting bickers or arguments that never solved anything by the end of it.

Because never in a million years, would Yoongi have thought that the same exact person he hated all throughout high school — would be the same person he fell in love with.

It seemed impossible, and if Yoongi traveled back into time to inform his freshman self of this, he simply would've laughed it off and denied the truth behind it.

After all, no one was expecting this.

Not him, not Hoseok, not their other friends from high school or their current cheerleading and basketball teams — not anyone.

But low and behold, fights turned into hugs and insults morphed into compliments, glares of furious rage turned into lovesick glances full of twinkling amour.

And quite frankly, they wouldn't have it any other way.

Although they chose to ignore the obvious signs that there was an underlying romantic tension radiating within their souls with every interaction shared between them, the little angels in their hearts and small snippets of their brains that held some common sense told them that it wasn't any coincidence that they felt this way.

How they felt their cheeks burn up with every subtle moment of eye contact, how they felt their stomachs churn with every flirtatious comment thrown obliviously at them, how they felt tingles creep down their spine with every touch they shared — whether it be intentional or completely accidental.

A touch that sent flaming hot spikes of nervousness throughout the entirety of their systems, flooding every crevice with an overflow of realization that they loved one another more than any other pair of roommates or friends did — even close, clingy best friends didn't match up to their relationship status.

It was all to obvious, but alas they chose to accept their fate at some point in time — bringing them both a sense of relief.

Because Hoseok loved Yoongi.

And Yoongi loved Hoseok.

And there was no point in denying that now.

Not now — and not ever.

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"Oh my god — fuck my ass!" Hoseok groaned out loud, slamming the door behind him loudly before kicking off his snow covered sneakers and jumping on the bed bedside Yoongi exhaustedly, not caring for the subtle slide glares Yoongi sent at him from disturbing his peaceful study session alone.

But apart from his clear state of annoyance, Yoongi sighed before setting aside his laptop and turning to face Hoseok with genuine concern written in his pretty hazelnut eyes, ones that Hoseok immediately caught eye contact with and sending them both into blushing messes as it always did.

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