🐟Tᕼᗴ KOI ᖴIᔕᕼ 2:1

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"HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY HOBIII!" The group shouted, filling Jung Hoseok's ears with nothing but yells of triumph and party poppers.

"Ahhh thanks guys!" Hoseok squealed happily, clapping his hands together excitedly as his gaze followed the illuminating candle flames placed on the strawberry frosted cake before him.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Blow the candles and make a wish!" Jimin encouraged enthusiastically, giving his friend a motivational pat on the back.

Taking a deep breath in, Hoseok closed his eyes and made a quick wish, before blowing out all eighteen candles placed decoratively around the brim of the cake.

His eighteenth birthday.

It was a very special birthday, not just for him, but for anyone whenever they turned eighteen in their lives.

Because when you turn eighteen, a matching tattoo appears on your right or left wrist that is identical to your soulmate's.

And not one couple's is alike.

It creates this extremely exciting aurora to it, the tension building up to that second you've anticipated for your whole life finally bubbling up inside you as you take a peek at your awaited tattoo.

And your soulmate could be anyone- there are no limits, regulations, or anything.

Someone older, younger, same sex, different sex, your supposed enemy, a CEO, the future president of the United States, a royal family member...

The possibilities are endless.

So, with one peek of his eye, Hoseok immediately gasps in shock at his tattoo that he's waited for for his entire eighteen years of living.

And its a koi fish.

The koi fish, a symbol representing struggles one has overcome or is currently overcoming, showing strength and growth in one's lifetime.

The two koi fish resembled the yin and yang configuration in a way, the balance between two lovers that ensures no rocky road in a relationship.

It was perfect.

Hoseok smiled at the tattoo, since the koi fish was unarguably one of his favorite fish, or animal for the matter.

What a coincidence.

"Oh my god bitchhhhh," Jimin gasped, grabbing Hoseok's arm, "your tattoo is sick holy shit!"

This caught his other friends' attentions, as they all came running over to the pair to see what ink design was displayed on Hoseok's wrist.

"Well fuck," Namjoon breathes, eyes concentrated on the beautiful fish in front of him, "it's so pretty! You're lucky, I'm jealous."

"Ack let me see bitches," Taehyung shoved his way through, slapping Jimin's hands off Hoseok's to be able to see clearly, "WOAHHH."

Hoseok chuckled at his friends' behavior, before rolling up his sweatshirt sleeve after they've all admired it for enough time being.

"Do you like your tattoo?" Namjoon asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Oh my god I love it, the koi fish has always been one of my favorites since I was little," Hoseok smiled at the memory of him visiting a traditional Japanese garden with his family, and gazing at the pond of colorful koi fish swishing by with their long slim bodies.

"Yuhhh lets get drunk boyzzzz!" Taehyung exclaimed, blowing another party popper.

"Ummm lets not," Jimin chuckled, taking Taehyung by his shoulders and leading him far, far away from the alcohol cabinet.

"Maybe not alcohol," Hoseok giggled, "but definitely strawberry milk!" He beamed, smiling broadly at his three friends before him.

"Whatever the birthday boy wants, gets!" Namjoon sided with, latching his arm around Hoseok's shoulders as the two swayed back and forth in a synchronized motion.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go have a chugging contest," Jimin suggested happily, pulling Hoseok with him, Namjoon and Taehyung quickly following behind.

The rest of the night consisted of the usual fun activities you and your friends would do at any casual birthday party. Eating lots of food until you look nine months pregnant, playing truth or dare, giggling at stupid memes on your phone, and just doing random shit in general.

And the whole time, Hoseok's adrenaline levels pumped through his veins at an inhumane rate since he was in his natural setting surrounded by his closest friends that he loved more than anyone in the world.

Though, there was another person Hoseok liked.

A lot.

His name was Min Yoongi, the star basketball player and well known pianist at their local highschool.

Ever since Hoseok spotted the black-haired boy in the hallway freshman year, whose dainty facial features were too pretty not be ethereal with his cat-like eyes and cute cheeks, he just knew that there was something special about him.

He just felt it in his heart, which only pounded against his chest harder and harder whenever his caramel eyes landed on the now blond haired boy, which suited him incredibly well.

It was like Hoseok fell for him all over again.

And from the teamwork of his friends, who all knew about Hoseok's crush since the middle of freshman year, all helped gather information about the mysterious Min Yoongi as years passed by. Which, from other people on his basketball team and small group of close friends, have all said that he's one of the sweetest and fluffiest people to ever exist.

Which, only made Hoseok want to scream out of pure fondness.

Because even though Yoongi was more on the popular side at their highschool, it didn't mean his personality was that of a total douche bag. And hearing that only made the big ten times more attractive, knowing that his popularity hasn't changed him one bit or blast his ego too high through the roof.

Because in Hoseok's mind, he seemed absolutely and utterly adorable.

Though, throughout all those four years which Hoseok spent countless nights fantasizing and dreaming about that certain person, those feelings never once faded.

They only got stronger and stronger as time went on with every tick of a clock or countdown from midnight signaling a new year, it was like an extra pound of attraction for him was added onto Hoseok's already thumping heart.

And although Hoseok has had barely any interactions with the boy, the legacy his name carried was too much not to make one's heart flutter in admiration.

Or, Hoseok's at least.

But now that crush would probably go away eventually, since he had a soulmate now.

And everyone knows that the universe only sets you up with one person you're meant to be with.

Meaning: no crushes.

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