🍓𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐞𝐮𝐝 𝟕:𝟕🍓

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With a bucket of strawberries in hand, some utensils used for crushing them into jams, and a new sense of confidence washing over his usual calm and collected demeanor, Jung Hoseok stood apprehensively in front of Min Yoongi's household, already feeling a new pathway to life unfold in front of him.

Now, recalling back to a couple days prior when Yoongi conveniently stopped the person who attempted to steal Hoseok's strawberries at the farmers market, Hoseok thought that it was only fair to return the favor.

By offering to help him make loads of strawberry jam.

This was particularly helpful since firstly, Hoseok was incredibly notorious for brewing up the most delicious and tasteful recipes of beautiful jars of whipped up strawberry jellies. Everyone who purchased from him loved it, explaining how their taste buds spasmed with pleasure the second the jams came in contact with their tongues, both whirling up and satisfying long away hidden cravings.

So what was better than to teach and pass on the recipe to someone whom Hoseok had taken a great liking towards recently?

In fact, Hoseok couldn't even deny the little sparks of amour he felt every time he and Yoongi interacted these days. Even as something as simple as mere eye contact from across their fields — it always resurfaced these long overdue feelings that he should've realized long ago. Yet the only reason he hadn't back then was simply because of foolishness.

Foolishness for not seeing Yoongi as something more than an enemy of his; his competition.

Maybe it was an unhealthy mindset that was crafted all those years ago back when the two first crossed paths.

But today, starting at this very moment, Hoseok was fully ready to start fresh and diminish those past grudges that never really existed in the first place.

So with one final inhale of breath, gathering up every fiber of his being and devoting it into a brand new age of confidence that now made him soar up into the sky freely, Hoseok lifted a fist and brought it to the wooden door, taking that final step in delivering a thread of loud knocks.

Hoseok stepped back from the entrance of the house slightly, not wanting to alarm Yoongi too much and especially was not with the intent to invade his own personal space bubble when his figure would appear.

Perhaps it was because of this new veil of respect both of them wore ever since their deep conversations that carried out inside Hoseok's car the night of the farmers market, watching as the sky blanketed with navy and violet shades with bright, twinkling stars dazzling all throughout it — overall creating this beautiful cascade that would normally be brushed off as any other regular night.

But something sparked.

Something sparked that night — for unknown reasons of course, but Hoseok felt it.

And Yoongi did too.

But really, deep down, their consciouses were screaming at them to dig a little deeper and read the very obvious signs scripted in their palms that would explain everything.

That would explain the constant blush forming on their cheeks with every conversation, that would explain the threads of laughter following up every corny ass joke told that they normally wouldn't consider funny, that would explain every phenomenon written in their hazelnut and umber eyes that both found so incredibly alluring about each other.

How they sparked with admiration, little hearts forming around their irises as their pupils widened with infatuation.

How those enchanting tones of coffee and chocolate swirled around gracefully with every heartwarming gaze lingered on them — how both Hoseok and Yoongi found themselves falling into an infinite trap of something along the lines of love every single time they got lost in one another's eyes.

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