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470 39 77

Italics = flashback

◄ the summer of 2007 ◄

"Yoongi! Honey?"

The four year old boy looked up from his train set, eyeing his mom with wide eyes as she approached him with a soft smile.

"We're meeting the new neighbors across the street, c'mon."

Yoongi shook his head frantically, immediately cowering up behind the couch at the news of having to meet new people. And being the rather shy and easily intimidated boy he was, not to mention only four years old, that didn't exactly seem particularly fun at the time.

"Don't be scared! They have a nice little boy across the street who's your age. Maybe you guys can be friends," his mother chirped happily, keeping her voice calm and steady knowing just how scared her son could get about these types of things.

At the mention of a possible friend, Yoongi's eyes lit up with excitement, slowly crawling out from behind the couch to where his mom was crouched down facing him.

"Okay..." he mumbled in a hushed voice, because although he was on the more shy and quiet spectrum of things when it came to meeting new people, his neighborhood didn't have a lot of families or kids his age to play with. So maybe this could be his opportunity to have one!

Plus, it was summertime, and even though he loved his train set and imaginary friends he often made up for himself, a real friend did sound pretty nice at the moment.

"Mhm, is name is Danny, can you remember that sweetie?"

Yoongi nodded his head, "D-Dwanny?"

"Mhm," his mother hummed, taking his small hand in hers as she walked them both outside onto their porch where a moving truck and a family of three stood outside conversing to another neighbor.

The hot sun hit the small boy's face right away, instantly causing him to hide beneath the protection of his mother's arm as he shielded his eyes with it and blindly walked his way across the street to where his supposed neighbors would be meeting him.

When stood right in front of the new neighbor's house, Yoongi slowly peeled off his mother's arms and stood face to face with a boy his age.

His eyes twinkled with amazement, gazing at the boy in front of him with a newfound curiosity. A mop of curly brown hair covered his head entirely, even drooping over his glasses ever so slightly from how outgrown it was. But Yoongi didn't necessarily find any distaste in it, only letting out a small giggle with how silly it looked.

"Hi, are you Yoongi?" A woman's voice spoke up, crouching down in front of the boy whose once big sparkly eyes holding a sense of bliss morphed into ones of fear, retreating back behind his mother and clutching her skirt with his tiny fingers.

"Yoongi, it's okay honey they're not gonna hurt you," his mother chuckled softly, pulling out Yoongi from behind her who just sulked, feeling ultimately betrayed with how is very own mother went against his wishes.

"Hmph," Yoongi pouted stubbornly, arms now crossed sternly over his puffed up chest with his lips jutted outwards, no longer wanting to talk to the boy or anyone as his mood was quickly ruined.

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