𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑠 6:4

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There were a lot of things going on inside Yoongi's head on his way to class.

A lot.

And not one of them was innocent.

Because all he could think about was the scene minutes prior — replaying those images of Hoseok hovering over him again and again until he felt his cheeks burn up at an astonishing rate, something that left his brain more than confused since he hated Hoseok with every fiber in his body.

But apparently despite how much you hate someone, your heart can still find anything they do attractive.

Just like Lucifer himself — a demon from the underground gates of hell that lured innocent souls into his trap with his devising and ravishing good looks: ones that left people in awe entirely, completely destroying any common sense as their hearts disobeyed their brain which screamed at them to not trespass into the practical death trap that was under evil possession.

And while Hoseok wasn't particularly like the devil in any way shape or form — regardless of how much Yoongi solely believed that fact — he did find some relation towards the fictional character and his roommate in that sense.

But he tried not to think about it. Tried not to think about that smug little smirk playing at Hoseok's lips as his legs straddled his waist to resist Yoongi's weak attempts in escaping his grasp, tried not to think about the way his choclate brown eyes glistened prettily under their dorm room ceiling lights only to darken with an intimidating aura swirling around them, tried not to think about the way Hoseok grabbed at his shoulders in such a controlling manner that Yoongi felt helpless underneath him.

Tried not to think about the way he subtly enjoyed it.

And while yes that does sound fucking kinky, it's true and Yoongi couldn't deny it for a second no matter how much he hated himself to think that way about his enemy, his competition, his nemesis.

So he blocked out all subconscious wandering thoughts regarding that rather... heated... situation, and focused solely on getting to class in time.

Which hopefully would distract him enough.

✍︎︎    ✍︎︎    ✍︎︎

"Aaaand done!" Hoseok sighed reluctantly, closing up his laptop with a small smile on his face — thankful to finally have finished all his evening's work just as his eyelids grew heavy with deadweight, signaling that his body was due to shut down as the night's late hours tempted to lull his body to sleep right there in the university's cafe itself.

Quickly packing up his things and grabbing his reusable coffee cup which he never forgot to take with him when making a trip to the coffee bar, Hoseok hastily pulled on his hoodie before walking out the door.

Only to see that it was fucking raining.

Of course.

Still, even though he luckily brought a hoodie with him that would somewhat shelter his body from getting wet, cotton and polyester material wasn't water proof; and he certainly didn't want one of his favorite sweatshirts to get drenched just because of his forgetfulness to not bring some kind of rain jacket with him.

Alas, this was college and he was forced to pack heftily, thus forgetting an essential that never crossed his mind when stuffing clothes into his suitcase the night before leaving.

So really he was only to blame.

And Mother Nature, of course.

Heaving a heavy sigh, Hoseok mentally prepared himself before taking that final lunge in the rain where his hair would undeniably be soaked completely within seconds of standing under the Amherst sky and milky shades that hid away the usual starry night that lit up Seoul's city.

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