🍓𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐞𝐮𝐝 𝟕:𝟐🍓

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Hoseok let out a tiresome yawn, stretching his arms above his head in order to fuse some of the muscle pain and soreness caused by working in the field nearly all day long in the hot scolding sun — something that he was undeniably used to by now, but that necessarily didn't mean the pain was any less tolerable than it was four and a half years ago ever since he dwindled himself in to the strawberry farming business.

Making sure to crack some of the bones around his shoulder and back area, which was inevitably the place where tension was most ridden, Hoseok quickly made his way over to where a clear jar of ice cold tea lay brewing, already tempting him to devour the entire jug with the sweet aroma that flooded his senses and the air around him with its cinnamon, honey and lemon scents.

Normally, Hoseok would brew himself a nice mug of hot tea especially when it was as late out as it was — bridging just into midnight — but due to being stuck in a heat wave in the middle of July, those desires didn't come as easily as hoped for. Which in a way had its own disparity leaking that sorrowful reality, but one could never go wrong with a classic sweet tea, and Hoseok surely didn't detest the idea of it either.

So there he sat at his two-people table in his small farmhouse styled kitchen — although two chairs weren't even necessary since he lived by himself with the occasional visitor — taking few testing sips of the tea seeing if it was ready to be drunken.

The eery silence of the night filled the air around him, filtering out his thoughts and subsiding them for wanderlust desires to travel to some well known tourist attraction in some of the most remarkable cities of the world.

But alas, he was stuck here: with no other option but to listen to the late night sounds of crickets chirping and cicadas humming throughout the early hours of the morning until those sounds of nature eventually replaced the job of Hoseok's alarm clock, which became useless now ever since he moved out into a more rural area to pursue one of his lifelong dreams.

And yes, although it did get a bit lonely and at times he craved for some more action or excitement in his daily life, he wouldn't rather replace it for the world.

Because he's always had a big heart  growing every day with his passionate love in nature and the outdoor world in general, finding beauty in every living animal that roamed or every insect that helped stimulate his crops' growth and overall help his land become more luscious and prosperous. After all, he wouldn't be here if it weren't for Mother Nature's hard work of keeping Earth as healthy and as beautiful as possible, despite how much greedy humans took advantage of her kindness and sabotage it for their own selves.

Something that made Hoseok livid whenever thinking about it, which is one of the main reasons as to why he considers him such a big activist for stopping climate change and global warming; finding it nothing less than incredibly selfish especially when Mother Nature had gifted humans as much as it is with all of her handcrafted materials and resources just to benefit our own well beings.

It wasn't fair really, and because of those vain actions that humans carried out, the innocent creatures and biomes of all types had to pay the price.

Which is why Hoseok took time out of his every day to appreciate some minor factor that lived among nature, whether it be early walks when the sun was just starting to rise and cast golden hues along their small rural town or strolls to nearby creeks where Hoseok would lend out a palm for frogs to rest on — the opportunities were infinite when constantly surrounded by them, and Hoseok considered himself extremely lucky for being able to access these privileges without a second thought or having to plan out a whole weekend trip just to admire the beauties of their world that rested in the palms of one of a discreet town just on the outskirts where a big bustling city lay.

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