𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑠 6:10

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The answer to where Hoseok had been while Yoongi was still fast asleep in their dorm room — was cheerleading practice.

Carrying out his hobbies from high school into a lifetime profession, he didn't regret this life changing decision for a minute.

Inevitably, it brought him an immense amount of joy — finally being able to fulfill his life long dreams of taking on cheerleading as a proper career rather than a high school extracurricular. Because his whole entire life he felt a deep, emotional connection towards the sport — whether it be competitions, practices, rallies; it honestly didn't matter the specific form it was taking on as long as he was doing what he loved.

Regardless of how society portrayed cheerleading as a female sport, Hoseok didn't care. In fact, he could give zero shits for stereotypical traditions that mainly revolved around their misogynistic society or way of living, which is what overall developed what toxic masculinity is today.

And while yes at times it was an unfortunate disadvantage Hoseok had to deal with on the daily, whether it be cruel teasings or other forms of ridicule thrown at him for participating in an activity that embraced femininity, he simply ignored those minor factors since he reckoned that it was more beneficial to completely block out any sources of negative energy from his life since it wasn't any use fighting it or getting angry — already having known what he was getting himself into when joining.

Thus why he went full out — always rejecting when coaches offered him a male uniform for competitions and always choosing what the girls on his team wore, which was usually a fitted crop top of sorts with a mini skirt.

And although there were some jocks in the crowd who snickered at his bravery for going against gender norms that he sadly was forced to deal with, that didn't stop him from putting his entire heart and soul into the performances or games. In fact, he was probably the best on his team — always radiating this unmatchable confident demeanor that people couldn't help but admire greatly.

Because Jung Hoseok was that kind of person to change society's stereotypical ideas they imploded onto certain genders or groups of people and alter their perceptions entirely.

And thankfully, he'd accomplish that one day, one step at a time.

But for now he stayed within his own university cheerleading bubble where everyone gladly accepted and praised how he expressed himself through his feminine charms, thus explaining how he attracted so many friends in the first few weeks of college.

Since unarguably, fighting against sexism while also not caring for anyone's stingy opinions was indeed very sexc.

So here Hoseok was in one of the campus's many gymnasiums, gathered up with his fellow teammates as they all started off with a few stretching techniques and beginning warm ups in order to fuel up their bodies with as much energy as physically possible — which was undeniably a necessary not only in the category of dance and tumbling, but also because it was barely nine o'clock in the morning and everyone was still attempting to wake their bodies up from their sleepy states.

Yawning tiredly, Hoseok brought his arms up over his head in a long, slow stretch — few sighs in satisfaction slipping from his lips in the process since stretching first thing in the morning felt incredibly relieving nearly every single time an earlier practice was scheduled.

As usual, their practice consisted of various types of tumbles and rehearsals for their next upcoming competition against other colleges around Seoul or South Korea in general — occasionally even internationally depending on how well the performed against local institutions.

AKA, one of Hoseok's biggest dreams that supplied his spirit with a constant flaming sparkle of hope that one day he'd make it and win first place, crawling his way to the top and claiming victory as his on a huge, shiny gold trophy to represent his achievement.

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