ᴅɪᴀᴍᴇᴛʀɪᴄ 1:4

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Yoongi jumped at the sudden voice echoing off the thin dorm room walls, only turning around to be met with...

Jung Hoseok

What the shit what the shit holy fuck, Yoongi wanted to yell out loud, his lungs and thumping heart threatening to do so.

It nearly took all of his self control not to scream, or drool, or just full on creep the boy out by staring at him.

Quickly averting his eyes toward the ground awkwardly, Yoongi murmured a quiet, "Hi, are you the new roommate?"

"Yup! My name's Hoseok, or you can call me Hobi."

I know.

"Yoongi," the blond said bluntly.

Hoseok lended Yoongi a hand to shake, which the elder hesitantly took and offered him a weak smile.

As the two let their hands drop to the sides of them awkwardly, Yoongi's eyes landed on the tiny bunny in his now-roommate's arms.

"Um- is that?"

Seeing where Yoongi was looking with wide eyes, Hoseok soon caught his drift and smiled broadly at the boy shifting nervously in front of him.

"Oh- this is my bunny! Say hi Bean!" Hoseok imitated in a squeaky high-pitched voice as he lifted the paw of the small grey fluffy bunny and shook it out for Yoongi to accept, causing a small smile to form on the corners of Yoongi's lips.

A rare occurrence.

Not wanting to be a buzz kill, the blond reluctantly shook the bunny's paw despite how silly or immature it looked for two nineteen year olds. Yet, nevertheless, the simple interaction nearly sent Yoongi into a flying blissful sensation that he hasn't felt in ages. 

Where genuine happiness filled his empty heart, and twinkled within those sullen and sunken eyes.

"Hey," Hoseok spoke up, snapping Yoongi out of his dazed thoughts, "aren't you in one of my classes? You seem oddly familiar."

Nearly choking from disbelief that Hoseok actually recognized him, Yoongi eventually got a hold of himself and straighten his back upright, "Oh uh yeah, I am," he timidly scratched the back of his neck, once again just admiring the floor below him.

"Ah I knew it! I knew I recognized you from somewhere. Probably from your great hair," Hoseok lightly chuckled to himself, setting down his bunny and starting to unpack all his gathered belongings.

A light rosy blush dusted Yoongi's cheeks at the compliment, mumbling a barely audible, "T-hank y-you."

"Mhm! Is that your natural hair? I'm obsessed with it."

How was he so confident in saying all of this?

No trace of nervousness, or shakiness of any source was present in Hoseok's voice.

Not one bit.

It amazes Yoongi, as he could barely accept a compliment or say a simple 'hello' without anxiously sweating or excessively blushing.

"Oh um, no its not but thank you."

"Really?" Hoseok glanced up from his stuff, gazing at Yoongi wonderingly, "I assumed it was from how healthy it looks. Props to you for keeping up with it," he giggled, before turning back around to his baggages.

While Yoongi, on the other hand, was a flustered mess, with bright red cheeks and sweaty palms, he could barely make up his mind whether he should dash out of the room before he pissed his pants or just stay there and keep his new roomie company.

But low and behold, the rumors were true.

Hell, Hoseok came off as even sweeter in person than Yoongi had imagined him to be. And not to mention how he somehow was even more breathtaking up close than from a far away view during class.

Just everything about him, was perfect.

His stance, his appearance, the soft vibe he carried yet also screamed 'I couldn't give two fucks about your opinion', was all so..


Noticing that he was just flat out staring at the clueless boy in front of him, Yoongi quickly turned back around towards his bed.

"Uh, thanks. Do you need help unpacking or anything?"

Not even realizing those words miraculously flowed out his mouth, Yoongi quickly slapped his hand over it and turned back around, tempted to scream into his pillow.

Not in a million years, would he have ever imagined himself to willingly strike up a conversation with someone.

Well, that may have been an exaggeration, since it was just a kind gesture, but you get the point.

Shifting his head up to face Yoongi's nervous lip biting, Hoseok smiled and responded with a cheerful, "Sure! If you wouldn't mind, that'd be great actually. I'm not the best at unpacking," he laughed lightheartedly, patting the space next to him as a motion for Yoongi to sit down.

Hesitantly kneeling down besides Hoseok, Yoongi looked over the overwhelmed jumbles of vibrant clothing pieces and accessories all laid out before him.

Wow, his style really is something else, Yoongi thought, clearly entranced by the boy's fashionable wardrobe.

"Alright, your job won't be too hard. If you could just pass me the clothing items and I'll store them away that'd be great."

Nodding at the simple instructions, Hoseok exclaimed a very enthused, "Thanks! You're the best," before standing up hurriedly and skipping over towards one of the small closets.

♡︎ ❤︎ ♡︎ ♥︎ ❤︎ ♡︎ ♥︎ ❤︎ ♡

Over the course of just a few weeks, both Yoongi and Hoseok have grown a strong liking towards each other, realizing that their polar opposite personalities were quite compatible.

Though no romantic feelings were involved, although Yoongi did often find himself quite flustered around the bold roommate, who on the other hand found Yoongi very intriguing, the two just valued the presence of one other and took advantage of any night that wasn't spent drowning themselves beneath piles of books or classwork to engage in meaningful conversation.

Whether it be simple or fascinating, complaining or venting, it was never boring.

There was always this underlying sense of excitement that Yoongi just never found he had with his past roommate.

Perhaps it was Hoseok's bright demeanor, which practically casted rays of sunshine where he stepped foot, or Yoongi's voluntarily partake in verbal communication with him that made the overall atmosphere much more pleasant and enjoyable to be in.

Rather than coming home from class dreading to forcefully take part in awkward and tense conversation, Yoongi now entered the shared doom with a bright smile on his face at the sight of Hoseok, either playing with his bunny or bobbing his head up and down to music.

Sure, you could call it pure luck or whatever you'd like really.

But I'd call it fate.

♡︎ ♥︎ ❤︎ ♡︎ ♥︎ ❤︎ ♡︎ ♥︎ ❤︎ ♡︎

𝗔/𝗡: 𝗶 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 <𝟯

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