𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑠 6:1

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Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok maliciously eyed each other down the graduation aisle — glaring as if they were nothing more than mere enemies throughout their high school years. And really, that's all they were.

Because with one of them being the captain of the basketball team and the other a captain of the cheerleading team came many, many fights, bickers, quarrels — you name it. The list is infinite, unraveling until the brim of the parchment paper brushed against the underground gates of hell, going as far down into the dungeons where Lucifer and his phantoms wreaked havoc among the innocent.

Though despite how metaphorical it all seemed, it described their relationship perfectly.

Which consisted of nothing more than mutual hatred for one another.

They simply couldn't help it, with their own stinginess picking up every single flaw in one another's teams during games or sporting events that heated up every single nerve in their body, leaving them no other option than to explode with pure wrath and frustration until their faces flushed deep cherry reds from how much anger imploded was into their systems — just from simple mockery or picky comments insulting every move.

After all, high school sports were competitive.

And when it came to two captains of major academic sports, Hoseok and Yoongi took it to the next level.

Meaning nothing less of aggression, lack of human empathy, or even blatant respect on their ends unless it consisted of pure sarcasm.

On top of that — they were annoying.

Not necessarily their personalities since everyone outside their little rivalry bubble loved them endlessly for their own individual quirks, but because they annoyed each other just to see them get pissed off, watching in pure entertainment as they would angrily march down the eery school hallways after practice to blow steam over.

It was a dramatic, one wild ride of a year to say the least — charting all the way back to freshman grade and surely not dwindling down or making any attempts to mend ties even when senior year rolled around.

And now it was much, much too late for that.

Because today they were gradating — forever saying goodbye to their high school selves and friendships, ones that undeniably sparked a new sense of longing and nostalgia in their hearts when looking back over the past four years of memories.

Yet of course, with bittersweet moments such as these, there's always a portion of bitterness in there as well — obviously.

Thus the second Hoseok got handed his diploma and walked back towards his seat — Yoongi didn't waste one second before subtly narrowing his beady cat shaped eyes on him, those usual warm tender chocolate beauties holding something more along the lines of pure venom, transforming every tinge of gold around his irises into boiling green envy or fury whenever recalling Hoseok's moments of victory in any situation or his shameless boasting.

Vise versa, since Hoseok had his reasons too.

And despite being eighteen years old and high school graduates, they were still children at heart — holding those grudges until death due.

Because there was absolutely no way, that they'd ever ever make up or at least intentionally be nice to each other without having a secret intention to poke fun at them or sarcastically make comments about their performance during games.

Perhaps it was the more competitive, playful personalities resting beneath the crevices of their hearts that electrified this bold fueling of enmity to course through both their veins ever since they were puny fourteen years olds at the summer camp just before freshmen year to showcase their athletic capabilities and talents — eventually working their way up towards captains.

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