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di·a·met·ric[ dahy-uh-me-trik ]

  2.  in direct opposition; being at opposite extremes; complete:
diametrical opposites; a diametrical difference.

Which is exactly what Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok were.


Different hobbies, likes, interests, tastes, yet somehow, the universe still concluded that these two opposing personalities would be perfectly fit for the other.

And alas, the universe was right.

How because of a rat infestation, that Hoseok moved into Yoongi's dorm.

How because of their clashing schedules, that they just so happened to share a class.

But because of all of these mere- coincidences, if you may call it- all led to Yoongi discovering his long lost confidence that he'd never thought he would find under all those thick layers of insecurities and past toxic relationships that gave him this fucked up interpretation of love.

However, all those misinterpretations melted away once Hoseok showed him what love truly is.

That those people who slithered their way into Yoongi's life weren't lovers, because they didn't treat him nearly with the same inch of respect he treated them. Or devoted time into him nearly as much as he did to them, cutting off hours from work just to make them happy.

That wasn't love.

Love was this beautiful feeling of deep affection for someone purely meant for you to meet.

It was getting a phone call of them crying at 1:30am from them on a Wednesday night and immediately picking it up without hesitation and listening to them until 5:00am that morning.

Love was Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok, dancing outside in the freezing rain together in 45 F degree weather because they didn't care.

The cold didn't strike them in anyway, hell they didn't even feel it past their already rosy cheeks from ferociously blushing, just from swinging around in one another's arms.

It was as if that numbness solely protecting them from the cold, was their strong and unbreakable layer of love.

Protecting them from outside forces threatening to penetrate through or sabotage their relationship in anyway. Protecting them from insecurities that could easily tear a relationship apart just from a single passing thought.

Long ago, before Yoongi met Hoseok all those weeks ago, he wouldn't dare dance out in the public, or in the naked eye of college students strolling past them blindly on their way to their dorms or late night parties.

In fear of being judged.

Or gawked at.

Judged and gawked at for simply being happy for once.

What was the point of living if you were going to live your whole life in fear of others disliking every single thing you do? Causing unnecessary insecurities to build up over time just to tear you down and lower your chances of ever being satisfied with yourself.

That's what Yoongi learned from Hoseok.

From the boy currently grasping his wrist tightly to ensure their hold on each other wouldn't break as they spun around in circles or twirled each other in their arms.

From the boy who wore those bold outfits accessorized with statement jewelry or belts.

From the boy who had a passion for dance.

From the boy who's whole purpose was making others happy with one simple smile.

From the boy who carried a bunny named Bean around campus freely.

From the boy who complimented Yoongi's sandy blond hair the first day they properly met.

From the boy who made him genuinely happy for the first time in a while.

Because that's what you're supposed to feel like around someone you love. Like you're finally complete, or actually content with your life.

All those poking anxieties, fears, and regrets threatening to inch their way through their perfect and invincible shield of love wouldn't stand a chance. 

Because the once self deprecating and unconfident Min Yoongi was now carefree and liberated of any worries.

Because all that mattered in that moment, was him and Hoseok dancing in the freezing rain in 45 F degree weather at midnight on a Thursday.

Not one stressful thought about school, work, or their next essay passing through their mind.

As they just soaked in each other's presence, and filled the silent night air, other than rain droplets puttering against the black concrete, with soft laughs echoing across campus.

It's funny how fast your life can change.

With one switch of a dorm room completely flipping Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok's lives upside down.

But they wouldn't have it any other way.


𝗔/𝗡: 𝗯𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗶𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳 <𝟯

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