🕕 𝗷𝗲 𝘁'𝗮𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝟰:𝟲 🕕

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And that was the only thing on their minds for the rest of the day.

The "date".

Because in all honesty, even though Hoseok very bluntly confirmed that it was a date, the two somehow were still trying to wrap their minds about how they even got to this point from the rare chance of being trapped inside an elevator with a complete stranger.

Who they just so happened to land a date with.

Both of them were well aware that these kinds of so-called rare occurrences weren't really rare at all. In fact, many people went to clubs or bars for that sole reason: either to find a hookup for the night or a possible dating partner to properly quench a desired love life.

Yet to them, it was something so, so irregular.

Neither of them were the biggest fans of flings, hookups, or dating someone until they properly knew them first.

Especially speaking as Hoseok had just gotten out a break up, so the situation seemed rather ironic in their view of things.

Something different for once.

But at the same time, they didn't really mind either.

Because although they applied those same factors to every day in their life, they somehow vanished in the blink of an eye once they appeared in each other's lives, as cheesy as it sounds.

It really didn't feel like a fling at all; in fact, it truly felt as if both Hoseok and Yoongi had known each other for their entire lives, feeling this true connection sparking between them from the core of their hearts.

It was odd, and something that happened to them only once in a lifetime up until this moment, but it was something they both wanted so badly.

They didn't know why, or how, because it still baffled them immensely with the turn of things.

It was something so far out of reach, so out of their usual comfort zone and expanding way beyond that line of familiarity.

Yet they were willing to cross over that line once and for all, suddenly having this wave of bravery wash over them like a breath of fresh air.

A breath of fresh air that they didn't get enough. Yet during this trip, they truly believed deep within their souls that Hoseok and Yoongi were each other's fresh breaths of air.

☏    ☏    ☏

After a couple hours, someone from the hotel staff had finally managed to get a hold to Hoseok and Yoongi through the emergency call system mechanically wired into it. Thankfully, the process didn't take as long as their actual stay inside the elevator to their relief, since impatience slowly piled up inside them with each ticking second on the clock.

Because despite how much Hoseok and Yoongi thoroughly enjoyed their time together, going as far as even becoming probable friends and scheduling a date for the next day, being trapped in a small space for several hours at a time was not pleasant.

Plus, they'd be seeing each other only a day from then, with hopefully more to come after since the simple thought of it casted genuine ecstasy throughout both of their bodies; a bubbling sensation to flow in their bloodstreams until there was nothing else but serotonin clouding their sense of reality.

And what better place to score a date with a stranger, was the City of Love itself?

It was merely perfect.

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