🕔 𝗷𝗲 𝘁'𝗮𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝟰:𝟱 🕔

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More time passed between them. Seconds, minutes, even hours mindlessly ticking by as Hoseok and Yoongi grew more restless and eager to get out of the cramped space.

The only thing keeping them from going mad was the simple presence of one another, with fun, yet somewhat chaotic, and lighthearted conversations winding their way in and out of their forced interactions.

Except, despite their current situation where it left them no choice but to talk to one another, it really didn't feel forced at all.

Both of them felt a genuine connection, finding their personalities to be everything they favorited in a person. Whether it be humor, charisma, or simple politeness — but by the end of it all, both Yoongi and Hoseok checked off all those points.

And now here they were, bobbing their heads up and down to soft music playing out of Hoseok's phone from earlier, a variety of song genres from his shuffled Spotify playlist, making its way out of the speakers.

It was the epitome of calming, something that made the two feel so incredibly connected and personal with one another that didn't include or particularly require verbally conversing with one another.

But music had that speciality — to bring two souls together in one, connecting them in ways nothing else can with the simple beat of the music or lyrics of a song, acting as a new way of communicating with one another in the most beautiful way possible.

It was something unexplainable through restricting words, expanding beyond the fanciest combination of the most cohesive and intricate of poems.

Yet that was the beauty of it, because music didn't have to be diagrammed out on a sheet of paper or dissected through strategically forming an infinite amount of theories. It simply existed; leaving no trace of complication or confusion after it.

One of the things Yoongi personally loved about it.

Who, speaking of which, kept phasing in and out of consciousness as the lyrical tunes of music echoing off the elevator walls flowed through his ears in the most tranquil way possible, lulling him to sleep with every passing second. But still, he forced himself to stay awake in case if anything else happened, regardless of how much his eyes begged him to fulfill that desire and slip away into full unconsciousness.

While Yoongi was on the bridge of entering dreamland, Hoseok remained fully awake with his attention solely focused on Yoongi.

Now one may consider it normal, since for one, they were the only people in the elevator so it would be quite difficult to find another focus point to retain their attention towards.

Or another reason may be that Hoseok was simply watching over him, aware that another person was clearly falling asleep and looking after him like some sort of guard was an act of chivalry in case something happened.

And maybe those two reasons were applied somewhere in the deep corners of his mind, but in reality, it was much more personal than that.

Because as odd as it sounds, for only knowing Yoongi for a couple hours, Hoseok slowly found himself being captivated by him in almost every way possible.

He wasn't sure if it was a romantic attraction or something along the lines of that, but it definitely was dipping it's toes into that category, slowly edging further further into the pool of infatuation with every follow up conversation they've had.

Surprisingly, the two have learned a lot about each other in the past hours or so — everything from home and family life to the last time they choked on a slice of pepperoni pizza.

From serious to humorous, optimistic admirations to pessimistic rants, from effervescent to vague; they've basically touched every single conversation category imaginable, yet still somehow not nearing an awkward dead end as soon as one topic dwindled down.

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