ⅈᠻ 𝕥ꫝꫀ ડꫝꪮꫀ ᠻⅈ𝕥ડ 𝟝:𝟚

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The prince wondered around his room aimlessly, hands folded behind his back as his eyes gazed wonderingly outside the the tall stained glass window where all the little villages and neighborhoods of France lay, and their people meandering along the brick paved streets while their eyes were stuck in their own little phenomenons as they window-shopped. And though all, if not most, knew that they wouldn't be able to afford half of the items that were displayed in the window, it didn't stop their overbearing desires to possess them.

To possess something more than a simple ratio of bread and the necessities that got them by in life.

It killed Min Yoongi to see, briskly turning around so he wouldn't bear the sight of common townspeople wishing they had something worth more than their entire work salary from farming, owning boutiques, being seamstresses, or blacksmiths. And obviously, as a prince, he wished for nothing more than to give his own earnings to the people, reasoning that they needed it much more than he did — and let his generosities get the best of him.

However, unfortunately, not everyone else in the palace was as generous or kindhearted as he was.

"Five hundred gold platters, one hundred freshly stuffed pillows with feathers — oh and Bertha!" The king called down the hallway, trailing after one of the maids, "Please make sure to actually wash the sheets this time! The other day I saw some squirrel's lunch thrown up all over mine," he shuddered, remembering those trifling memories in thought before waving off the maid as she scampered down the hall not wanting to witness the king's rage.

Rolling his eyes, Yoongi turned his attention back to his bed and plopped down on it, whipping out his phone in hopes of disappearing behind a screen for several hours at a time in best attempts to shelter himself from the world.

Or more specifically, Wattpad.

Which, by the way, he's actually found this new
fanfiction called Beneath the Surface.

Anyways,,,, 😳🙄🙄

While mindlessly scrolling through the pages of books that had been sitting in his library and reading lists for quite some time now, a knock was suddenly heard at the door — quickly ruining his once relaxed mood as he shuffled up out of bed with a grunt and waddled over towards the door.

Only to find the king standing there with a suspiciously jolly expression on his face.

"Hi son!" He chimed, resting a hand on his son's back before stepping inside the room and shutting the door behind him on the way in.

"Umm hi?" Yoongi greeted back, though it came out as more of a question than anything since he was more confused as to why his father seemed so happy all of sudden, especially after just scolding a maid for not doing her job properly. 

"So I was thinking the other day and —" the king started off, taking his hand off the boy's back while slowly making his way around the room in deep thought, "I think it's about time you find yourself a spouse, hm?"

Yoongi cringed.

First off, he hated the idea of committing himself to someone for the rest of his life when he can barely committed to doing his math homework for more than five minutes without getting distracted.

"Ew marriage."

"Ah come onnnn," his father piped up, eyes dazzling with a billion stars in realization, "well any who, that doesn't change the fact that you're time for marriage and starting a family is nearing."

Yoongi scoffed, "Says who? A fairytale story? Dad this isn't Sleeping Beauty!"

"You're right it's not, it's Cinderella!" He hummed brightly, clapping his hands together giddily before continuing, "But seriously son, you can't spend the rest of your life being single and drooling over fictional characters and pretending you're in a romantic relationship through wattpad stories," he sighed pitifully, immediately dusting a deep red onto Yoongi's cheeks from now exposed he felt in that moment since there was literally not one lie muttered.

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