🕘 𝗷𝗲 𝘁'𝗮𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝟰:𝟵 🕘

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And it did.

One whole year later.

12 months.

52 weeks.

365 days.

8760 hours.

525600 minutes.

31536000 seconds.

Jung Hoseok and Min Yoongi were now, undeniably and most definitely in love.

All starting from that hot day in mid-June, where Hoseok ran up to Yoongi in a frenzy with hopes of catching the elevator before it closed in on him, shouting after the man who was now his boyfriend of ten months.

And if the mechanics wiring up the elevator hadn't broken down or created that electrical fuse, Hoseok still could've been single — still could've lived his life without having a single clue of Yoongi's existence.

He still could've been getting over his ex girlfriend, lost in a rabbit hole of heartbreak and misery, trying desperately to claw his way out looking for any sign of the sunlight to act as his guide out of the hallow and pitch black tunnel.

But now, he didn't have to worry about that.

Because Yoongi was the sunlight he had spent all those weeks trying to find, trying to scurry his way out of the endless rampage that his past lover had trapped him in.

It was difficult in the beginning to fully grasp the idea that someone had cheated on him, someone who he had put all his love and trust into when first getting himself involved in a romantic pursuit.

But now, back in Paris where they had first met, meandering along the paved sidewalks hand in hand with the hot summer sun beaming down onto their necks and hair which made their natural honeydew skin tones to reappear and light brown highlights wavering in and out of their darker locks from the brightness of the sun rays; Hoseok didn't have to stress or worry about thoughts and memories from his past relationship resurfacing back into his conscious.

Those were all long forgotten, buried deep within the layers of his brain and locked away for the rest of eternity where he, nor anyone else, would ever find them again.

All thanks to Yoongi.

Who had most definitely — stolen the key to his heart.

And Hoseok couldn't be happier with the way things had turned out for them both.

Turning to face Yoongi, who's stare seemed to be concentrated on the beautiful scenery of the Eiffel Tower in front of him, Hoseok nooked his pinky finger with his boyfriend's while their initial position stayed unbothered.

But pinky holding was on a different level.

It was a cute in every way, holding a much more significant meaning than what it looked from the outside to any wondering tourists walking alongside them. Despite being the tiniest of gestures, it remained the most affectionate of them all — casting wide, cherry smiles on the couple's faces as light hues spread along their cheeks.

All from a simple touch.

"It's crazy, isn't it?" Yoongi spoke up, switching his attention from their viewing point of the Eiffel Tower to where Hoseok stood right next to him, making his heart practically shoot out of his chest to find that Hoseok was already gazing fondly at him.

Hoseok cocked his head to the side at the lack of context in Yoongi's generalized statement, since there were probably over a million things that Yoongi could be making reference to, "What is?"

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