𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑠 6:2

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Maybe Hoseok got a tad too excited too quick.

Because clearly — he underestimated the power of the universe.


Otherwise he wouldn't be here right now — standing in front of his dorm room at his local university in mid August, mouth gaped open and face flushed from its natural color as his almond shaped eyes stared forward, not believing it for a second.

It couldn't be real.

Because there was no way in fucking hell that out of all of the hundreds of colleges in Seoul, the one person he strived to get away from would be attending the same one as him.

And on top of that — he was his fucking roommate.

Because right there, plastered on the amber wooden door read, 'Room 218 Min Yoongi & Jung Hoseok'.

God knows how many other tricks the universe has up its sleeves — waiting to be pulled out when the opportunity was right only to fuel up Hoseok with more anger than what he was feeling right now.

Either the universe truly hated him, or this was some way at punishing both him and Yoongi for never settling things between them.

And now, they had to pay the price.

Still it boggles Hoseok from just how unfortunate it all was, almost humorous even. Because there were upon thousands of students that attended this university, each dorm building separated by majors or classes, and he was sure as hell that nor him and Yoongi would be majoring in the same category.

At least, that's what he assumed from knowing the boy for the past four years of his high-school life. Yet apparently, he really didn't know anything about him at all.

And now two eighteen year olds entering college life for the first time — as if that process wasn't strenuous enough along with adapting to the new and foreign environment — were brought together by the doings of the universe against their will. The least Hoseok was looking forward to on top of all of this was meeting new people and making amends with his dorm mates, but now obviously that was going to be much more difficult than anticipated — and annoying — since he was practically told to at least come to friendly terms with his past enemy unless he wanted to be miserable for his first ever college experience.

So with one deep inhale of breath, Hoseok rested a shaky hand on the door knob — mentally preparing himself for the storm waiting for him, one that he already felt on the other side of the only thing separating the two before finally adjusting into their dorm life.

And when I tell you Yoongi looked pissed, I mean it.

Of course, he arrived in their dorm room before Hoseok had so he already knew of their rather unlucky situation. Still, seeing the actual boy walk through the door served as a reality check that he was indeed his roommate and not just some cruel mind game his paranoid conscious made up for him.

Plus the simple appearance of Hoseok's face in general always made him angry for no reason.

"I can't fucking believe it," Yoongi cursed under his breath, currently sitting on one of the bare beds — what Hoseok assumed to be his, thus planting his suitcase on the one opposite of it — before glaring at Hoseok up and down as if he wasn't used to his figure already.

"Trust me, I don't wanna be here either. But woopdidoo here the fuck we are," Hoseok sarcastically stated somewhat harmoniously. And if Yoongi wasn't as agitated as he was at that instant nor hated Hoseok with his whole heart, one even may say he'd stifle a laugh.

However, he quickly gulped that subconscious urge down before angrily standing up and spinning Hoseok around sharply with his hands firmly gripping onto the boy's shoulders.

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