ᴅɪᴀᴍᴇᴛʀɪᴄ 1:7

521 58 112

hobi <3
meet me at the garden in 10 :]

'Meet me at the garden in ten'

Yoongi coherently whispered those words to himself, over and over again until his mouth went dry, or until the message was so engraved into his brain that he settled that was a good amount of times to remember it.

On his way to the specific garden location just outside the college dorms, Yoongi pondered his mind about what in the world could Hoseok ask or tell him that's so important, that he couldn't just say in the comfort of their own dorms?

Yet, a sense of giddiness couldn't help but bubble up inside the boy, who was currently swaddled in an oversized sweatshirt and rosy cheeks from the cold crisp Autumn air, about the anticipation of it.

Like a gift waiting to be opened on Christmas morning.

Though it was more exciting, so much more enticing than that.

Because he was Jung Hoseok.

An eccentric black haired boy, who carried a bunny around campus for his own well being.

Who Yoongi fell for.

Where he didn't go one night, or one walk across campus to another dreadful college course, or one trolley or bus ride without thinking of him.

Without thinking of that heart shaped smile that sent Yoongi flying across the stars of the universe, every inch of his body filled with this unreadable feeling.

Where his days got a little bit better just from seeing Hoseok in the morning, or seeing the name 'hobi <3' pop up on his phone lock screen, the simple vibration holding so much meaning.

And then, right before his eyes, was the boy who was always on Yoongi's mind.

And oh god, Yoongi thought, he looks more gorgeous than ever.

Slowly walking up to the bench where Hoseok was seated, Yoongi plopped down right next to him, their noses barely three inches apart.

But, they both blamed the length of the bench for their close proximity.

"So," Yoongi began, eyes averting to his slightly frost bitten fingers, "why'd you call me here?" He asked calmly, voice smooth like melted butter.

And oh god, Hoseok fell in love with that honey like voice every time he heard it.

"Um," the younger cleared his throat nervously, "I actually want, no need, to tell you something. It's been on my mind for a while."

Yoongi cocked his head at the trembles apparent in the boy's usually confident tone, and it only sent him into wonders of what could possibly make Hoseok nervous.

Nonetheless, Hoseok sent Yoongi a breathtaking smile that showed off his pearly whites, which Yoongi couldn't help but smile at in return, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

Nodding as a signal to continue, Hoseok gazed into Yoongi's dark brown eyes, their eye contact making both of the boys' hearts flutter, "I like you, Yoongi."

He paused.

"Um, I like you a lot, actually. It's okay if you don't feel the same way, but I thought I'd tell you. It's just whenever I'm around you, it's like in fucking flying, as crazy as that sounds. You've showed me so many places, and introduced me to so many things that I never even knew about. Oh god the things you do to me," Hoseok chuckled, only to continue, "Your adorable smile, your wicked sense of humor, just your whole personality is just- so perfect, Yoongs. So different from anyone I've met before. I literally can't go a second without wanting to run up to you and hug you, you're one of the few things in my day that I actually look forward to seeing. Sure, I love my friends and my bunny and activities I do, but you," Hoseok rested his hand over Yoongi's, who was a blushing mess and could hardly believe his ears, "you are my everything."

Yoongi, overwhelmed by the wave of emotions crashing down on him, couldn't hold back the flow of happy tears that came flooding out of his eyes, digging his embarrassed face into the palms of his hands.

"Are you crying?" Hoseok gently asked, though there was that slight chuckle ringing through it that only made Yoongi fall head over heels with him all over again.

Shaking his head, Yoongi glanced up at the boy sitting just a few inches away from him, who wiped a falling tear with his soft thumb before caressing Yoongi's face gently.

"I-" Yoongi began, not knowing where or how to start, as it was nearly impossibly to describe his feelings towards the boy in words restricted by a dictionary, "I like you too, a lot. I have for a while, actually."

Hoseok smiled, before gently taking Yoongi's face in his own hands and pressing a soft butterfly kiss to his nose, wrapping his arms around Yoongi's petite frame as the two melted against each other. The heat of their bodies radiating towards the other, ridding of any cold or frostbitten features.

The two stayed like that for a while, before Yoongi broke the peaceful and comfortable silence with his deep yet soothing voice, "Can I kiss you?" He whispered, chin resting on the younger's shoulder.

Without hesitation, Hoseok nodded before closing in on the already tight proximity of the two, their lips perfectly molding together like two puzzle pieces made for each other. It felt as if butterflies flurried all around inside their stomachs, as tiny wave currents from the flap of their delicate wings brushed against their insides, causing these small yet not unnoticeable tingles to run down their spines.

And the two stayed like that, as time because nonexistent and the last thing that crossed their mind was if they were going to be late for their class or extracurriculars.

Because this is what the two had been waiting for forever.

Perhaps even before they knew of each other's existence.

Because every single moment, choice, or action in their lives led them to this.

It's not a silly coincidence, or a lucky chance.

No, it's because the two were unarguably destined to be together.

Brought together by the folds of the universe, both born into this world just to thrive off of each other's presence and live in a never ending wormhole of pure joy.

Not the kind of joy you get when someone lets you cheat off their homework, or getting your favorite dessert as a reward for gobbling down your vegetables.

No, a different type of joy.

So specific that you can't even describe it in words, but it's unfathomable layers of feelings warped around each other and clashed together in an everlasting dreamland.

Except, it wasn't a dreamland.

Because it was real.

♡︎ ♥︎ ❤︎ ♡︎ ♥︎ ❤︎ ♡︎ ♥︎ ❤︎ ♡︎

𝗔/𝗡: 𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗹 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 <𝟯

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