ⅈᠻ 𝕥ꫝꫀ ડꫝꪮꫀ ᠻⅈ𝕥ડ 𝟝:𝟡

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And in just due time, a new wedded couple was happily announced.

Even the mice showed up, shedding tears and Yoongi and Hoseok told the crowd about their backstory with meeting each other and even Hoseok exposing his family who showed up the ceremony just for free food, not actually caring for Hoseok's marriage.

After the ceremony, Yoongi led his husband to the garden out back — the same exact garden where a drunk Hoseok was spewing corny insults left and right and where Yoongi discovered that Hoseok was one horny little shit when drunk — before taking his hands in his and planting a light peck on his cheek.

"You know what, I'm really glad you spilled punch on your dress," Yoongi spoke softly, voice carrying a romantic current that sent butterflies tingling in Hoseok's chest with how much of a fever dream this all seemed.

"You fucking whore, why would you be happy a huge ass red splotch of blood got on my brand new dress that was handcrafted by a fairy?"

"Oh my god I meant metaphorically, Hoseok!" Yoongi facepalmed, also stifling a laugh since not one thing changed from all those weeks ago when they first met at the palace.

"Oh," Hoseok awkwardly giggled, before latching an arm around Yoongi's frame to turn both of their bodies to face the setting sun that bled golden hues all across the expanse of the pastel sky, "well anyways, shall we end this chapter of our lives with one final kiss?" He cheekily grinned, glancing quickly at Yoongi who flushed a deep red, which was dumb at this point since he was already used to Hoseok's boldness in their relationship.

"Sure it makes everything more cheesy so might as well," Yoongi shrugged, turning to face Hoseok who stared at him lovingly, before wrapping two arms firmly around his husband's waist as Hoseok positioned his around Yoongi's neck loosely.

"You love it though."

"I mean it makes me gag sometimes but sure."

"Aren't you used to gagging by now though?"

"HOSEOK!" Yoongi whisper screamed, scared for his life that someone around him heard, hastily scanning the place and breathing out a sigh of relief once the coast was clear.

"Sorryyyy," Hoseok giggled, smirking slightly because he's a cheeky bastard.

Still, that didn't stop their lips from crashing together messily — yet sweetly — mostly fueled by the excitement that came with their marriage and overpowering amour for one another.

And as they smiled into the kiss, hands either combing into one another's locks or staying put firmly at the waist or shoulders, it was then that they realized despite meeting in the most chaotic, somewhat kinky, ridiculous and unusual way possible, nothing could deny their genuine love for one another that burned passionately beneath their hearts and traveled to every fiber of their body.

Separating from this kiss, Hoseok smiled before brushing a finger to sweep aside a part of Yoongi's bangs, once again taking his hands in his sturdily and not making any attempt to move from their place in the garden.

"Soooo what happens now that we checked off cheesy sunset kiss on last chapter of the story?" Hoseok inquired kiddingly, grasping even more tightly onto Yoongi's hands then ever before — though neither of them particularly minded.

Smiling his iconic wife gummy smile, Yoongi let go of Hoseok's hands before bending down to scoop up his newly wedded groom — wearing a white wedding dress that was once again crafted by his fairy godfather Namjoon — and securing his arms protectively under Hoseok's legs and around his waist just to insure that there was no possibility of the man falling to the doom of grass stains.

"I think you know," was all Yoongi responded with, keeping his voice at a normal octave which somehow made Hoseok nearly pass out even though he's encountered Yoongi's deep, deep voice on several occasions.

But that was all that needed to be said before Hoseok reached up to plant a quick peck on Yoongi's cheek, before wrapping his arms around his husband's neck for support as he was carried back into the palace that he could now proudly call his home.

And you can use your own imagination to picture what happened next.

But as they say in all fairytales, Hoseokerella and Prince Yoongi lived a happily ever after.

𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐸𝓃𝒹


that's the end🥺🥺🥺hope you enjoyed

cant tell if I love or hate this story 😍😍😍

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