𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑠 6:5

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You'd assume that an hour and half into the night one would've been asleep by now.

But there Hoseok was — laying wide awake with his eyes open out of pure fear, specifically because of the booming thunder that roared throughout the night or the ear-piercing electric shots of lightning that flashed through their sheer window curtains of the small dorm.

Because he wasn't the biggest fan of thunderstorms, despite being eighteen, that certain phobia from childhood stuck with him until now unlike most college students or young adults who were either unbothered by lightning storms or even enjoyed its exotic weather.

However his was a much, much different case.

Which was a bit unfortunate for being in a university all by himself with no one to comfort him; not his sister or parents, just this one bitch who hated his guts from high school, as if the situation couldn't get any worse than it already was.

So there he was, fingers tightly curled around the edges of the blanket with his eyes peeking out from the top of it ever so slightly as he was forced to endure the painful and terrifying sounds of Thor's thunder crash down onto planet earth practically erupting his ear drums with every rumble that came, paralyzing him from the foot up with pure terror and anticipation for the dreaded moment to pass already.

But by the looks of it, the thunder lords were against his favor and the storm wouldn't be calming down anytime soon.

And he did truly try to shut his eyes closed in hopes that he'd fall alseep with that method, but alas it was useless since the storm nearly stripped away every fiber of sleepiness left in his body from staying up at the café until eleven o'clock at night.

And while he'd never resort to his last option if the storm got progressively worse and even more terrifying, it was the final eruption of a frightening combination of lightning and tumultuous roar of thunder that triggered his second instincts stored deep within his body that made his feet drag him out of bed and leap into the one across the room from him where the only other unconscious body lay fast alseep.

Or at least — was — since someone pouncing on top of you out of pure fright was sure to stir someone awake in an instant.

Waking up with a start, Yoongi nearly screamed bloody murder when he was met with another pair of eyes in the black void that was their room, more than a dozen question swirling around his conscious as to why the fuck Hoseok was squeezed up against him and trembling so hard that Yoongi was actually able to feel his body's vibrations through the thin layer of blankets strewn over his body.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" Yoongi whisper shouted, desperately trying to search for a reasonable answer as to why Hoseok would willingly jump into bed with him when both boys were fully aware that they shared a mutual hatred with one another.

"Please Yoongi, let me sleep here tonight I—I'm not great with thunder storms," Hoseok choked out nervously in a rather hoarse voice, both from the combination of walking in the rain earlier and since it was nearing one o'clock in the morning.

"No," Yoongi grumbled, attempting at shoving the boy off his bed but even though playing basketball for nearly ten years of his life built up his arm strength by immense measures, it was absolutely useless from how firmly Hoseok held onto Yoongi's blanket in protest.

"Hoseok I'm serious get the fuck off of me—"

"I'll do anything! When I'm alone during storms I always piss myself and would you rather the room smell up from my smelly ass piss or just have me peacefully sleeping next to you?" He tried pleading desperately, and although it was pitch black in the room and Yoongi could barely make out the boy's general face shape — Yoongi could just tell from the anxious stutters ridden in Hoseok's voice that his eyes alone were begging for mercy among the stars that danced within his big and around irises.

And that imagery alone was enough to fill Yoongi with at least some sort of empathy. After all, he as a kid was afraid of storms as well so at least he somewhat had an understanding of what Hoseok was feeling in the moment, despite him being a college student and not in elementary anymore.

Still, regardless of how amusing it all was, Yoongi choked back a laugh and reluctantly slid over in his bed making room for the other to properly lie down next to him.

"Fine, but if you even lay one fucking finger on me, I'm making you sleep on the floor," Yoongi threatened sharply, eliciting a string of hums from Hoseok who nodded his head frantically before comfortably laying his head on the small fragment of the pillow that wasn't being taken up by Yoongi's, strictly keeping his hands at his sides or resting them underneath his head since the least he could do was abide to Yoongi's orders.

"Thank you," he whispered quietly, genuine gratitude lacing his tired voice as he was soon lulled away in a deep slumber that consisted of nothing less than dreams of wonderland fantasies or nightmares revolving around the terrifying storm that roamed above them outside.

Though Yoongi heard the hushed mumble drowned out by the thunder outside — left in his own sea of thoughts that consisted of jumbled up contradicting theories about his own feelings.

Thoughts as to why his cheeks heated up from hearing that utterly adorable and faint voice that was smooth and hoarse at the same time, thoughts as to why his heart slowly beat faster when the tip of Hoseok's toes brushed against his thigh, thoughts as to why he couldn't even deny the fact that he liked the idea of Hoseok closely laying within reach of his own body in the deep and late hours of the night where nothing but the sound of ear-rending thunder rumbled and rain aggressively pattered against their window sills.

But it couldn't be that, and it certainly wasn't.

After all, Hoseok was annoying, ridiculously cocky and bragged whenever the opportunity came to him.

Yoongi hated Hoseok, and he assured himself of it.

But still — there were those hidden doubts that lay deeply within his own soul that questioned his own logical brain telling him that it was nothing, telling him that not one snippet of his heart was soft for the person laying beside him.

And all it took were a few doubtful thoughts that sent him into complete and utter turmoil.



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