ⅈᠻ 𝕥ꫝꫀ ડꫝꪮꫀ ᠻⅈ𝕥ડ 𝟝:𝟜

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So there they were: Hoseok working his little dainty fingers away with the sewing machine while trying his best not to chop his fingers off with the scarily aggressive needle — a task that came with much more difficulty than expected.

Still, he managed (barely) and kept his hands steady at the machine to ensure that those little mistakes were out of sight for the time being. Because he certainly did not want "sewing through fingers" to be on today's agenda.

While he was busying away with stitching the underskirt onto the corset, Suzy and Perla worked away with the individual pastel pink ribbons and bows that would ultimately cascade around the brim of the skirt in a pretty and dainty manner, along with adding that perfect little bling as the finishing touch.

Although Jaq and Gus weren't as quite knowledgeable in the seamstress' world of things like Hoseok, Suzy, or Perla, they were still quite useful when it came to preparations for the masquerade ball; like running back and forth across the room to fetch necessary materials whenever their other friends called for it, sharing their cheese, or using their sharp point teeth's to poke holes in the dress where needed.

Very strenuous at times, but they got to the end of the tunnel eventually.

"EEEEKKKK I LOVE IT!" Hoseok squealed, jumping up and down in place with a bright, exuberant smile tugging at his lips and brightening up the room itself just from how wide he was smiling and how pearly white his teeth were.

"Oooooh it's gonna look so pretty on you!" Suzy squeaked happily, joining Hoseok in prancing around the room with a bounce in their steps, "I bet you'll be the prettiest person there."

"Periodt! All because I stanned Loona," he grinned widely, taking Suzy's petite body in his hands and scooping her up off the floor to plant a light butterfly peck on the brink of her nose.

At hearing that iconic girl group name, Jaq immediately placed a hand on his forehead before passing out cold on the ground — turning everyones attention away from where they had been studiously working to where a now limp mouse lay face down, apparently from the impact of solely hearing the name 'Loona' outloud.

Wonder what it'd be like to take him to a concert.

Do they allow mice in venues?


"Wow," Hoseok stated bluntly, blinking his eyes in confusion, "I mean I know Loona is dangerously threatening to our life spans but like — whenever people say it kills them I didn't think they'd mean it literally."

"They mean everything literally," Perla sighed, smacking her forehead, "including all the run me over jokes and stab me with your microphone, among others. Have you been on stan twitter? Girl it's like a horny blood bath over there."

Hoseok stifled a laugh, finding nothing but truth in that statement since Twitter was indeed a very wild, chaotic social medial platform run by stan Twitter themselves — always breaking out into a battleground no matter what as it was nearly impossible not to at least get into one fight on that app within your whole time of being on it.

"That is a scarily accurate description," Hoseok chuckled to himself, accidentally pricking himself with a sewing needle in the process of it as a tiny red droplets appeared on his pointer fingers and gently sucked it off before continuing his work.

"Alright," Jaq announced, jumping off the bed to where Gus was before wrapping his paw around him, "who wants to listen to music?"

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆

"Annnndddd done!" Hoseok breathed relievingly, having finally finished after nearly six hours of non stop working with zero breaks in between, he had every right to be entirely and utterly exhausted — with bruses, cuts, and blisters forming all about his fingers, not leaving one area free of any injuries from practically standing himself with a needle all day long.

So inevitably there was going to be some pain that went along with it.

But now at least all the bad parts were well out of the way.

Hearing that exclaim of triumph, all four of the mice scurried over to where the finished product lay sprawled out against the floor; with the fuscia and rosy pale pinks all clashing together flawlessly with bows cascading around the brim of the skirt and two white ones tying the scraps together in a dainty matter, not too frilly and flashy yet not too plain either.

It was perfect.

"Oh my shit, Hobi you're gonna look so pretty!" Perla squealed, running around the outlines of it to get a closer look at the divine details and fully examine all the hard work they had put into it, undeniably all paying off since nothing but pride and confidence swirled up inside them when admiring the ultimate result of it.

Blushing tenderly at the compliment, Hobi swiftly picked up the gown before twirling himself around with it in mini circles — visualizing himself at the ball as he danced until his feet ached under the grande, glass and crystallized chandeliers that illuminated a million mysteries within every single candle lit. He was stuck in his own little world of made up fantasies that were bound to come true within the next couple of hours.

That was if, time was on their side rather than an enemy.

Too bad they were living in the actual fairytale instead of reading a well familiar story where the readers knew that time was solely the only thing restricting him from finding true love.

"Thanks, but you guys helped a lot so you should take at least some of the credit for it," Hoseok stated bluntly, since without Suzy and Perla for assisting him in the sewing aspects of it or Jaq and Gus for fetching needed materials and such, he surely couldn't have done it without them. Regardless of how overly used and cheesy that phrase may sound to others.

"Damn right," Gus cheered, punching a fist into the air victoriously with a smug expression on his face, one Hoseok was tempted to roll his eyes at but came to the conclusion that Gus had every right to be cocky since he did end up helping a lot in the long run.

"Yup," Jaq yawned, slowly meandering along the hardwood floor boards with his tail dragging behind, "finally getting the credit we deserve."

Hoseok scoffed, since when had he ever not given them a confidence boost or boosted their egos?

"Finally? You're acting as if I don't give you manny pedies every Friday or compliment you guys endlessly," Hoseok retaliated with a quirked eyebrow, staring maliciously at an unbothered Jaq who kept his stoic expression without not even a twitch of a whisker.

"Mmph," He shrugged, before walking over to Suzy to launch an arm lazily around her frame, "anyways, let's make sure you get a good nights sleep for the ball tomorrow, wouldn't want you tripping over your own feet now would we? Lazy ass bitch."

Tempted to recoil with a protest, Hoseok swallowed down those hidden desires before sucking up all his pride and minor agitation before hopping in his cozy comforters and lulling himself in a deep deep slumber.

With of course, his little mousie friends curled up along his sides with him.


would u rather suck toes or have ur toes sucked 🤔

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