🐟Tᕼᗴ KOI ᖴIᔕᕼ 2:3

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‧̍̊˙· 𓆝

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‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊


Min Yoongi always took pride it in, being the star player and team captain, he was always looked up to by his peers. The simple thought of being admired by only made his heart burst with happiness, knowing he acted as an inspiration for others to not give up on their dreams.

Usually, after practice, Yoongi would go out and grab a quick lunch of some sort with his best friend and fellow teammate, Jeon Jungkook, but today was a bit different than usual.

His mother had made him apply for a job nearby as a local bubble tea barista, since she made the argument of: "Why is an eighteen year old high school man spending his weekends doing nothing and hanging out with friends? You should be working and earning money for college!"

Which of course Yoongi agreed with, since earning money meant more freedom for himself and not having to beg his parents for some every time he hung out with friends.

So, he was more than thankful when his mother proposed this idea. Plus, bubble tea acted as a comfort food for Yoongi whenever he felt sad or anxious about something.

It was the perfect situation.

Little did he know, there was a small beneficial surprise waiting for him the second he applied for the job, one that would determine the rest of his life and entire future.

‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊

"Hoseok!" A co-worker called across the small café, earning his attention as he hastily wiped down his hands on his apron and made his way up to them, "Yeah what's up?"

"We have a new worker coming in today. Would you mind being their mentor and guide from now on? You're the most experienced and good with people so we'd figure you'd be the best fit for them."

A new co-worker?

Why have I just heard about this now?

Despite the pressure suddenly put onto him and the slight annoyance he felt towards the staff for not informing him sooner, Hoseok just displayed a bright smile and accepted the job, "Yeah, of course! When are they coming in?"

The girl, Tzuyu, averted her eyes down towards her wrist watch, before locking eyes with Hoseok once again, "Ummmm about twenty minutes."

"Twenty minutes!?" Hoseok stared at her in disbelief, "Tzuyu, why didn't you tell me earlier?" He calmly asked, trying his best not to freak out or let his small rage take over him completely.

Offering him a sheepish smile, she just shrugged her shoulders, "Sorry?" before dashing off towards the kitchen to fetch some supplies.

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