🍓𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐞𝐮𝐝 𝟕:𝟏🍓

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Bright, blinding sun rays beamed down onto Min Yoongi's bare shoulders, resurfacing his natural honeydew tones to creep along his skin and cast a sun-kissed tan that many envied dearly.

Heaving a breathless sigh from basically having to bend down all day long under the burning sun, Yoongi briefly placed two hands on his knees in order to catch his breath just to refuel his energy into picking more of those gorgeous, bright red fruits that attracted many customers near and far towards their local farmers market.

A small, ordinary farmers market — but despite how regular it seemed to the common eye, it determined Yoongi's entire living, putting his entire life salary on the line and a permanent pressure to continue growing healthy luscious strawberries to keep his business prosperous.

Using his hand to wipe the few drizzles of sweat that were heading down his forehead, Yoongi quickly picked up his bucket of strawberries and walked the short distance between his field and his humble, cozy abode where he had spent the last five years of his life in after graduating from college.

One may see it as rather ironic to spend and waste all that precious money on academics when just choosing to dedicate your entire life to agriculture, but all in all it did pay off in some forms since he earned a degree in farming which gained him some overall experience and knowledge about the reality that went into owning his own property mainly for strawberries and nothing else but the occasional honeycomb or watermelon.

All incredibly wholesome sounding, that's for sure.

However there often lays a dark, dark reality behind any soft facade — one that exposes the truth behind one's success.

Because strawberry farming was most definitely not all sunshine and rainbows, and far from it.

Mainly because of one of his main competitors.

And that was none other than Jung Hoseok himself.

"Hey you holding up out there Min?"

Speak of the devil.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, gathering up any last ounce of energy he had left in his limp and sore body before turning around only to be faced with his enemy's smug expression, one ridden of pure malice and intimidation that was very much contrary to the fact that other farmers surrounding their area (who had good ties with Hoseok) referred to him as the sun himself.

But to Yoongi he was the spawn of Satan behind that deceiving heart shaped smile and cute dimples, hating how innocent the man looked yet how morbid his intentions were.

"I'm just fine, no need to waste your precious time on me," Yoongi pounced back sarcastically, not forgetting to send one last side glance to his neighbor before stepping out onto his porch.

That was until Hoseok's voice came reverberating back to him — traveling over the several feet that separated them across the small road, "You sure the Humpback of Norte Dame? Your posture is getting worse and worse everyday — and that's saying a lot," he snickered evilly, not giving up his stance until Yoongi finally gave in and turned around.

"Well of course I'm not gonna have the best posture when I'm bending over for five hours straight, also yours isn't much better. Did you forget we do the same exact fucking work?" He inquired, not even offended by the accusation since he was fully aware that his posture could be better, but who was Hoseok to talk? The man's was just as bad as his.

Not forming a verbal response, Hoseok chose the more childish route to one of their small daily bickers and stuck his tongue out foolishly over his own porch.

Yoongi doing the same.

Literal children.

Before long, Yoongi finally pushed the gentle reminder that he had to continue his fight against Hoseok to the very back of his brain, before picking up his bucket of strawberries and carrying them inside his cool, air conditioned house where a dozen others lay in his small kitchenette that radiated quite literally — farmer vibes with chicken figurines and patterns strewn amongst jars and kitchen ware, along with a red patterned table cloth cascading off of his round table that was perfect for his single-person house.

Personally, he loved the more rustic and bright style that filled his home and heart to the brim with pure joy, casting literal sunshine beams all across the county they lived until it sparked everyone's hearts with pure gold.

It was just too bad that those few glimmers of optimism often shimmered down to mere shadows, remembering that all this success and comfortable living wasn't handed over to him for free — and in order to keep it up, he'd need to work harder.

To push those exceeding boundaries until all barriers were broken down and forever destroyed to embed permanent stress in his future.

But alas, he didn't know what his future would look like — since running a single field provided him enough income in the meantime and ensured a happy and stable life, but who knew what the outcome of it would be? For all he knew, Hoseok would take the podium as one of the top farmers of the county and outsell all his products that came from years and years of hard work, and having that constant and very probable threat always dangling above his head diminished any licker of positivity immediately.

Which is why, and how, a mutual and wicked rivalry formed between the two.

Casting down nothing but opinionated biased that were far more exaggerated than any reality or truth about their character, or spewed misinformation that could possibly ruin the other's reputation for good.

Luckily, the two never went as far as to blatantly sabotage one another since they still had some human decency left, especially knowing just how challenging working on a farm was in the heat of the summer months.

But that didn't mean they didn't play on easy mode.

And far from it.



*snickers evilly*


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