ⅈᠻ 𝕥ꫝꫀ ડꫝꪮꫀ ᠻⅈ𝕥ડ 𝟝:𝟝

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"C'mon hurry before Lady Trampoline sees!" Gus ushered hastily, motioning for Hoseok and the three other mice towards the window where they planned to escape unstealthily.

"I'm — trying but it's kinda hard to run in heels!" Hoseok whisper screamed, currently cramming on the second shoe on his left foot while also slowly inching his way towards the window sill where Gus was perched on, along with Perla, Suzy, and Jaq who planned on sneaking into the ball with him.

Don't ask how, but they'd figure it out later.

In the mean time, all they had to focus on was how to not get seen by Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook, or Lady Tremaine.

So far, so good.

"This ain't the story the 'Turtle and the Hare' you slow poke!" Jaq squeaked impatiently, nervously swatting his long tail against the window seat as his beady little eyes scanned over Hoseok's waddling figure — who was finally making his way over at a normal pace after managing to get the last shoe on.

Groaning annoyingly, Hoseok quickly sped over to where his friends sat and pulled the rope out from his other secret stash of things, before tying it to a tree branch right out of the window to ensure that he wouldn't break his spine while attempting to escape his humble abode.

"You sure it's strong enough to hold you? That thing is skinnier than an umbilical cord," Suzy snickered, earning a harsh glare from Hoseok who chose to ignore that minor comment with a little 'hmmph'.

"How do you even know what that looks like? You hate human babies," Perla objected — reasoning that the stupidly thin little twig that Hoseok dumbly tied the rope on was bound to hold them up.

But just in the matter of a few seconds, they'd realize that even if an infant attempted at sliding down a rope hoisted up by nothing but a thin and feeble tree branch, they'd also fall down without a fault.

"Ugh whatever just — oh shit get behind the window," Hoseok hurried, quickly ducking his head of blond locks behind the ledge of the window sill after spotting his three step brothers and step mother step into the carriage and off to the ball — actually thankful that he had stalled a little bit of their time by struggling to get on his shoes.

"Ugh do you think my butt looks round enough?" Jungkook stressed, turning around at the best of his ability to get a peek of how voluptuous his butt looked with the green dress he was wearing.

"No but that's okay since it'll make mine look better," Jimin bragged, sticking his tongue out childishly before behind slapped on the back by an impatient Taehyung who was desperate to get into the carriage already and drive off to the palace where their fate awaited them.

"Fuck you and your three inch insole heals you fucking whore," Jungkook spat, glaring daggers at Jimin who gasped out loud and placed a hand over his heart offendedly, now stopping once again with only one foot inside the carriage.

"Both of you look horrendous, now get in the fucking carriage so I can get wasted off of their fruit punch!" Taehyung shouted stubbornly, eventually convincing  Jimin and Jungkook to settle their little dispute for now before heading in through the carriage doors, with the chauffeur and their mother already waiting for them.

And the moment Hoseok heard the carriage drive off against the brick paved road, he immediately poked his head out above the seated ledge and scooped up his mouse friends, carefully perching them on his shoulder as they anticipated the climb down.

Which was honestly just fucking stupid of them since his step mother and brothers already left the house, so there was no need to use the emergency escape method when they could just walk out the front door like civilized people.

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