𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑠 6:3

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Hoseok wanted to fucking scream.

It had barely been a week, yet slowly but surely it had felt as if ghouls has grabbed at his soul and yanked it straight out of his body — leaving nothing but figments of human decency left within his fragile heart.

Because Yoongi was driving him nuts.

Absolutely nuts.

He was impossible, and this is saying a lot since he's been used to his annoying antics for nearly four years — but actually living with him in a small, cramped space only amplified those grudges or negative opinions he had towards his roommate. Somehow, making him out to be even worse than he originally was.

Which didn't make any sense to Hoseok since he assumed he had already witnessed the worst of the worst at their high school, but apparently not.

"For the last fucking time!" Hoseok screamed into his bed mattress, leaving Yoongi with an indifferent expression on his face despite seeing how upset the boy was with him, "my closet is the one on the right, you little—"

"Alright alrightttt," Yoongi sighed deeply, hopping off the edge of his bed as he reluctantly set down the magazine he was reading, before strolling towards Hoseok's closet to pull out the clothes he has 'accidentally' placed in there the day before.

Though really, he did it on purpose since aggravation Hoseok was a new personal favorite pastime of his.

Something about it was just so amusing, and he couldn't quite explain why.

"And while you're at it, put on some deodorant too. You smell like cat litter," Hoseok gagged, exaggerating his statement by placing a hand over his mouth as he pretended to throw up, somehow flipping Yoongi's mood entirely since now he was the one overly annoyed with him.

"I literally don't — your nose is broken. Either that, or it's about to be broken," he threatened sharply, harshly yanking off his clothing hangers before slamming the small closet door shut, while also not forgetting to send a death glare to his quote on quote — "regurgitating" — roommate.

"Fine, break my nose then, I know you won't. Cuz you're a pussy — literally!" Hoseok wheezed, shamelessly slapping the base of his bed out of genuine laughter and amusement at his own joke, never passing up the opportunity to refer to Yoongi at a cat and took it every chance he got.

Plus, it acted as constant little game between the two to see who could throw the best insults at each other  — one that still had yet to end.

Clenching his jaw, Yoongi slowly turned around before seeing the perfect opportunity splayed out before him.

Hoseok's ass sticking right up in the air since he was face planted in his bed.

So with one small smirk curling up at the corner of Yoongi's lips, he raised a hand and delivered that final smack! onto Hoseok's buttcheeks, eliciting a very high pitched yelp from the victim who immediately pounced off the bed and tackled Yoongi to the ground — not wanting to lose this fight just as all the other ones.

"Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you!" Hoseok cursed out lividly, trapping Yoongi — whose back was facing the hard ground of their dorm room — in between his legs, ultimately straddling his waist, while also managing to deliver several hits to the boy's chest.

Lightly of course, since Hoseok wasn't that ruthless despite how much they both made constant threats towards each other that were quite on par to what murders would say, but he made sure to implode enough force through his blows so that Yoongi would hopefully learn his lesson.

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