🐟Tᕼᗴ KOI ᖴIᔕᕼ 2:2

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‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊

Walking into the school building early the morning, Jung Hoseok let himself absorb in the warm heat radiating off the several vents placed around the interior, since it was February and the weather was still moderately cold and bitter outside.

Though he didn't really mind, since the pretty imagery of light and feathery snow always painted a nice visual picture for him. Plus, he had a winter birthday so it came natural to him to favor winter months over summer ones.

His chunky sneakers skidded along the carpets placed all about the entrance of the school, to ensure that no students would trip from the snow or ice stuck on the bottoms of their shoes, as his eyes scanned the lobby for any signs of his friends.

Usually, Taehyung, Jimin, Namjoon and him would all meet up before school and talk for a bit just before classes start, since it was only one out of the few times a day that the four actually got to see each other.

Finally, after several moments of peering around the crowded hallways and lobbies, Hoseok eventually landed on three familiar heads of hair.

"Tae, Minnie, Joon!" He shouted a few feet away, running up to the small group only to be greeted with enthusiastic smiles and flushed cheeks from the cold winter air.

"Hey Hobi, did you do anything else for your birthday?" Namjoon asked, tilting his head in curiosity.

Hoseok let out a brief sigh, before a small smile laced at his lips, "No, but it's alright cuz I had loads of fun with you guys."

"Yeah that was a banger for real though," Taehyung widened his eyes at the memory.

"Yeah Tae got scarily hyper, remember when he tried summoning a demon-" Jimin roller his eyes playfully, earning a light smack on the shoulder.

"It's called being a fun person bitch," Taehyung retorted, sticking out his tongue in a childish manner.

"Sometimes I feel like we're just here to babysit them," Namjoon leaned down to whisper to Hoseok, who only chuckled in agreement.

"Honestly though."

For the remaining ten minutes, the group continued talking and cracking stupid corny jokes perusal, before the bell soon separated them as they made their way to first period classes.

First period.

It was pretty boring, just the usual lecture and going over homework from the weekend, stuff like that.

Well, that was pretty much all his classes.

Except for one.

One that he shared with Min Yoongi.

Now, Hoseok was positive Yoongi didn't even acknowledge his existence since the two had never actually held a full on conversation before, except for the one time where Yoongi apologized for bumping into Hoseok on the way out of class.

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