🍓𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐞𝐮𝐝 𝟕:𝟒🍓

144 23 61

It was clear as day that Yoongi was confused, nonetheless.

Ever since Jung Hoseok planted that light, feathery kiss onto his cheek just days prior, it's like Yoongi couldn't even be his normal self around him anymore.

Sure, he still acted like it: by insulting him childishly or throwing light punches to the shoulder. But those were minor, barely noticeable exchanges that have been permanently etched into their daily schedule without a second thought to it.

Because they didn't determine his feelings.

Nor deny them either.

After all, what was he supposed to do? Be openly flirty? Talk to him as if they're friends?

Hell no.

As Elsa would say, "conceal don't feel, don't let them know."

It was everyday that Yoongi had to remind himself of that song lyric, which strangely applied to his life at the current moment and he couldn't find it anything else but extremely, yet painfully, relatable.

Because he couldn't let Hoseok know or suspect anything when he wasn't even sure how he felt himself.

I mean, it was just a peck after all.

A meaningless little peck meant to mess with Yoongi's mind and manipulate him to spiral around Hoseok's finger clueless like a little play toy.

It wasn't genuine affection, nor the with sole intention to exchange any form of romantic feelings between them.

It wasn't even a friendly kiss.

Because they weren't friends.

So there was only this poisonous, negative connotation behind that sickeningly sweet yet phony gesture, one that wreaked of pure wickedness and spread phantoms all throughout Yoongi's soul only to implant the most sorrowful of hexes where it was supposed to hold an enchantment of true love.

It was all for fun, for games, for jokes.

Yoongi told himself that, and of course he knew it fully well too.

But that didn't mean his heart was listening to the sad reality of it all.

✿ ✿ ✿

"Alright .... let's see — fifty, one hundred, two hundred..." Hoseok counted off with his fingers, frantically eyeing the number of strawberries in all of his buckets before reasoning that it was enough to take in to his house, whether they be smashed into yummy delicious jams and jellies or kept in their original form, which were just juicy and flavorful strawberries.

Crouching down to the dirt ground beneath him, Hoseok hoisted up the heavy bucket of strawberries before slowly stumbling his way into his house, barely even able to open up the already unlocked wooden door since both of his hands were already occupied — and inconveniently at that.

After a few rounds of bringing his loads in, he finally came to his last one; wiping off the few beads of sweat that came drizzling down his forehead from the hot, golden sun rays shining down onto his tanned skin, causing that beautiful melanin color to rise up and create this rich honeydew and sun-kissed tone along all the exposed parts of his body.

Way more strawberries than what Yoongi's got that's for sure! >:) Hoseok thought to himself, a delightful smile implanting itself onto his face before he made way back into the comfort of his home to begin making a good load of jams for tomorrow's big annual farmer market event that was about a half an hours drive from where they lived.

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