🍓𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐞𝐮𝐝 𝟕:𝟑🍓

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Hoseok looked proudly down at his bucket of freshly picked strawberries, a cute innocent smile lacing his lips with eyes full of sparkling admiration. After all he deserved it, since not all strawberries were able to come out as perfectly his.

But unfortunately so did Yoongi's.

"Wow those strawberries are totally not perfect!" Yoongi laughed off awkwardly, nervously scratching the back of his head since he was getting a little worried with just how juicy and flavorful his enemy's fruits were getting — not to mention that it was strawberry season when they attracted the most visitors out of the entire year.

So there was no room for light play or fooling around.

Hoseok smirked, motioning his head up to meet Yoongi's worry-filled gaze staring at his bucket of strawberries. Satisfaction leaked through every crevice of Hoseok's body upon seeing Yoongi's insecurities shine through, supplying him with some hope that his business would outsell his by the end of the summer.

"Did you just indirectly compliment me?" Hoseok teased, turning to fully face Yoongi who immediately snapped his head up sharply at the claim, now a scarlet rose rising on his cheeks since that was his last intention when uttering those few words.

In fact it was supposed to be the complete opposite, but maybe it sounded a bit too obvious, since after all, Yoongi was desperately trying to hide his clear disappointment through shaky mumbles, and Hoseok certainly was smart enough to pick that up.

"Never. Get your head out of your ass," Yoongi fired back, slightly regretting his use of words but it was too late not to dwell on his past decisions, so all he could do was hope and pray that Hoseok would forget it by tomorrow.

"Then why are your cheeks the same shade as my strawberries?"

Yoongi widened his eyes alarmingly, gently pressing a hand to his cheek and low and behold, Hoseok was right: they were blazing hot, and Yoongi could tell it wasn't just because it was eighty five degrees outside.

He was blushing.

FUCK, he thought, frantically scourging through his mind for an excuse that would suffice for the quite literal strawberry hues settling on his cheeks. But alas, such wishes as those didn't come as naturally in a panicked state.

"T-they're not," Yoongi gulped, stubbornly averting his eyes to the dirt ground beneath both of their worn out sandals.

"Ummm yes they are. You want picture proof or something?" Hoseok asked, whipping out his phone in preparations to take a picture.

But that was before Yoongi noticed what he was doing and quickly grabbed the device from Hoseok's hands, before tucking it away behind his back as if that would make the situation any less embarrassing on his end.

"Right now you're just proving my point," Hoseok laughed, rolling his eyes to the back of his head before marching around Yoongi and harshly snatching the phone back into his own possession.

"Stop acting like the world revolves around you, it's like ninety degrees out here and my cheeks are naturally rosy," Yoongi tried to convince both himself and Hoseok — though both could clearly see through that little white lie and Yoongi wasn't fooling anyone.

"Mhm and my ass is naturally voluptuous. Your point is?" Hoseok sarcastically combatted with, or at least attempted at since Yoongi's once flustered expression morphed into one of pure confusion, not at all understanding the correlation between the two entirely different things.

"That doesn't even—"

"Shhhhh," Hoseok hushed, abruptly placing a finger over Yoongi's lips to shut him up, "don't try and argue against the facts," Hoseok advised cheekily, shamelessly enjoying the way how Yoongi visibly froze beneath his touch.

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