🍓𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐞𝐮𝐝 𝟕:𝟓🍓

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"Good luck Min, may the best strawberry harvester win," Hoseok smirked, bidding his rival one last farewell before heading over to his assigned booth to set up his display of strawberries and strawberry jellies.

Yoongi narrowed his eyes evilly towards the slowly fading figure, poking his tongue against the side of his gums before waking himself up out his temporary daze and following in suit and walking over to his own assigned stand with his name on it.

Which of course was next to Hoseok's, but really he shouldn't be too surprised since they were both here for the same reason: to sell strawberries.

So of course they were going to be organized by category, thus put next to each other.

Yoongi groaned at seeing his unfortunate placement before shuffling over towards his own little table to prop up his display of strawberries, with Hoseok doing the same. Neither of them really paid any attention to each other since their ultimate goal was to completely ignore each other's existence, but of course those subconscious realizations that they were only an arms length away always lingered in the back of their minds.

Yet business was professional and important, so when the time came that customers started flooding the small outdoor market, that's when they knew they had to set away their differences and solely concentrate on their main objective of the day: attracting as many people to them as possible.

Because no shit that's why they came.

✿ ✿ ✿

"Yoongi!" Hoseok whisper screamed about two hours into the fair, snapping Yoongi out of his temporary work mode to where he was now staring at him with wide, pleadingly eyes.

Quirking an eyebrow at what Hoseok could possibly want half way through the fair, Yoongi hesitantly followed up with a blunt, "What?"

"Can you watch my booth for a minute?" He asked softly, breaking past his level of pettiness in order to ask the one person he was competing against for a moderately huge favor, but of course he'd rather show some vulnerability than possibly have someone sabotage or steal his hard-worked-for fruit.


Puffing up his cheeks slightly, acting as an indicator that he was very apprehensive upon answering the generic question, Hoseok managed to let out a semi weak, "Cuz I don't wanna piss my fucking pants!"

Grimacing dramatically, Yoongi quickly nodded his head and waved off Hoseok towards the direction of the portable toilets, to save both him and Hoseok from public embarrassment from the possibility of having an 'accident'.

Though regardless of how gross the likelihood of it actually happening was, Yoongi couldn't help but chuckle at the boy's desperate pleads and rather questionable wording when asking for assistance with watching his booth.

Shrugging off the interaction without paying any more mind to it, Yoongi darted his eyes back to his own array of strawberries that laid prettily displayed all about it table, begging to attract any new customers who haven't bought from him already that day. After all, after all his hard work into making them look beautifully irresistible, he'd hope to get at least a fair amount of profit off the day's work since even he himself had to admit that his strawberries appeared to look extra fresh today, all coated with a a gorgeous bright red shade and plump appearance — it was most definitely a pull factor for any passerby's.

So there he patiently stood, mind drifting off onto its own train of thoughts as he watched with his beady cat-like eyes as people blindly walked past his booth. It was a little disappointing to see the disinterest visible on some people's bland expressions, but Yoongi didn't hold it against himself since he reasoned that strawberries weren't everyone's forté; plus whenever those more negative and self deprecating thoughts did leak through, he always replaced them with the reminder that an abundance of customers still ended up purchasing from him that day.

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