𝚀 𝚄 𝙴 𝚂 𝚃 𝙸 𝙾 𝙽 𝙸 𝙽 𝙶 𝟹:𝟺

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It had been about a month ever since Yoongi and Hoseok's first proper encounter with each other; the simple and quite unexpected meetup happening by the chance of the two living barely two blocks away from one another.

By the chance of crossing paths.

Now, they had grown unarguably quite close, or as close as nearly month-old friends would be.

However, any awkward tension that usually clouded new friendships dispersed within the first one or two days, finding themselves genuinely fascinated with one another in every single aspect. Everything just naturally clicked, without having to force conversations or pretend to be interested in being acquaintances.

And quite frankly, they were more than happy about it all.

It was like any other casual friendship between two high school boys, yet something within their now inseparable bond sparked those extra bursts of flames, ones that set off inside both of their hearts with every conversation, laugh, or even something as simple as eye contact.

Which was weird, since it usually took Yoongi a long time to grow close with someone — nonetheless form some kind of attraction towards them.

Wait, no

I— nope nope nope I don't like him like that shut the fuck up you dumb bitch, Yoongi cursed at himself, currently leaning against the side of Hoseok's bed as he waited for his friend to come back into the room after supposedly talking to his mom about something.

Why did that thought cross his mind?

Surely it didn't mean anything.

Yoongi found all of his friends relatively attractive — since it would be illegal to think otherwise.

It didn't mean anything.

Yoongi took a deep inhale of breath, coming out as more shaky than anything since the general idea of forming some sort of liking towards Hoseok baffled him immensely. Sure, he was undeniably attractive since anyone could see that, and sure he had an adorable personality and an even cuter smile and —

"Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up," Yoongi murmured, throwing his head back against the mattress with his eyes now shut closed, blocking out any sense of reality and replaced the once bright and vibrant colors of Hoseok's bedroom to a pitch black abyss beneath his shut eyelids.

I don't like Hoseok.

I don't like Hoseok.

I don't like Hoseok.

I don't like —

"Hey!" An all too familiar voice chirped excitedly, interrupting Yoongi's thoughts as he shot his eyes wide open and faced where Hoseok was now standing in the doorway, two plates with brownies in hand.

"H-hey," Yoongi stammered, hating how his cheeks still felt hot from those prior thoughts, just wishing they could disappear to his usual honey tinted skin.

Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows, not liking how oddly shaken up Yoongi sounded. Because nothing hurt him more than to see a friend of his nervous, anxious, or sad about anything for the matter — always preaching about how he would always be there for them no matter what.

And Yoongi certainly was no exception.

"You alright?" Hoseok inquired softly, a gentle tone flowing throughout his voice that sent Yoongi soaring above the clouds into unknown galaxies beyond his imagination, loving the way his friend's voice was so relaxing to listen to and the fact that he had the privilege to hear it everyday was still amazing to him.

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