ⅈᠻ 𝕥ꫝꫀ ડꫝꪮꫀ ᠻⅈ𝕥ડ 𝟝:𝟠

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"I have to find him again!" Yoongi screamed out in the dead of night, not caring if any lingering guests heard him from inside the ballroom — who overstayed their welcome by a landslide — or if any of the servants sent him questionable looks while tidying up strewn drinks and refreshments left scattered messily all around the palace.

Because his possible husband had just fled him.

And why?

He had no fucking idea.

Not to mention that Hoseok was extremely intoxicated — so Yoongi was undeniably worried sick and actually contemplating whether or not the man was dead by now having run off without any prior warning in the pitch black oblivion where tiny dancing stars danced above the moonlit sky.

Hearing his best friend yell like a fucking chimpanzee, Seokjin — one of the assistants among the palace staff as well as Yoongi's closest friend — yanked his head around before slowly strolling into Yoongi's bedroom only to see his friend's face squished against the cold, glass panes of the window.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Seokjin asked, puzzled as ever to who Yoongi was referring to and why he was screaming that out-loud for the world to hear.

Me having to follow the basics of the Cinderella movie plot line: 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

"I have to find this dumb bitch I met at the ball! That's who."

Seokjin blinked.

Because maybe perhaps dramatically blinking like in those memes you see on Twitter would add some humorous effect to their situation.

"Which dumb bitch? There's a lot of them," Seokjin rebounded bluntly, scourging up a scowl on his from how unspecific Yoongi was being, even dumber than usual.

"His name is Hoseok, isn't that sexy name?" Yoongi sighed dreamily in awe, contradicting his prior attitude towards the boy because he's a two faced bitch (lol just kidding I love Yoongi in this story), "Well his full name is actually Hoseokerella or Hobirella — I dunno he gave me both," Yoongi sheepishly grinned, scratching his head embarrassingly in defeat as Seokjin judged him through furrowed eyebrows and pierced eyes.

"Don't know him, don't care. But why are you holding a glass shoe? Knowing your ass you'll break that shit."

"It's his shoe you dumbass! He ran into a bush and I guess it got caught in the branches or something so I picked it up in case I ever saw him again, you know to give it back," he responded promptly, stubbornly folding his arms across his chest with his nose stuck up in the air.

Seokjin rolled his eyes, before walking over with a heavy sigh and snatching the shoe out of Yoongi's hand to check for any bombs — out of the kingdom's policies.

"What are y—"

"Checking for dangerous items since you know you're not supposed to accept anything from outsiders who haven't been inside the castle before," Seokjin huffed back, taking out this high complex tooo thingy to search for drugs or some shit (I don't know lol).

Yoongi puffed up his chest, "Well it's not like I could just leave a valuable item laying on the front lawn, now could I? Plus it belongs to my fiancé's."

Seokjin shot his head up alarmingly upon hearing the word 'fiancé' come out of Yoongi's mouth.

Sure, getting married to someone whom you barely knew was common around their parts.

But he just wondered as to why Yoongi was only telling him this now.

"You fucking whore, why didn't you tell me earlier? Did you guys kiss already too? Goddamit, I could've taken photos for memories," he pouted glumly, handing the shoe pack to Yoongi after properly inspecting it.

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