ⅈᠻ 𝕥ꫝꫀ ડꫝꪮꫀ ᠻⅈ𝕥ડ 𝟝:𝟞

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"Why the fuck is this road so bumpy!?" Hoseok complained in his uncomfortable in his poofy dress, having to adjust it every second since it kept riding up on the seat.

"Don't ask me you impatient bitch, we're the ones driving your ass there," Jaq, now a horse, snapped back from the front of the carriage, neighing passive aggressively but carrying on nonetheless.

"And remember you have to be back my midnight!" Perla reminded him strictly, not wanting to get into an even bigger mess than what was coming for them, since of course you all know how the story goes teehee.

Rolling his eyes, Hoseok nonchalantly waved his hand in the air before picking at his nails through his long silky pale blue gloves, "Yeah yeah."

The rest of the way there was moderately quiet, being as the horses had to pay attention to the road ahead of them so they wouldn't kill the passengers and that Gus, the chauffeur, also had a big duty in steering the carriage in the right direction just in case. Luckily, the palace wasn't too far away and it was only about a fifteen minute drive from their home.

Coming along the brick paved road, Hoseok looked up slowly catching sight of the castle before him: tall steeples brimming the edge of the entrance of heaven as they poked into the fluffy white clouds, looking as picturesque as one would imagine. Everything about is screamed extravagant yet simplistic at the same time, with monotoned colors pleasingly blessing together in subtle shades of white and amber colors, making the few splotches of vibrant tones pop even more amongst the duller hues.

Hoseok was simply ridden of any words, not being able to properly verbalize them from how awe-stricken he was by it all. Of course he had strolled by the castle countless times on his way to the village square when running the weekly errands and such, but beneath the early evening sky where the suns golden rays casted burnt orange amber flakes among the palace made it look as pretty as ever; not to mention how the violet and fuscia streaks bled across the sky — overwhelming Hoseok from how alluring it all looked.

"Alright sluts, we're here. Hoseok, go get your man and don't get yourself killed I swear to god," Suzy instructed sternly, turning around to aggressively neigh at Hoseok who scoffed in return.

"What do you think I am!? An idiot?" He counterattacked, crossing his arms over his chest defensively.


"Don't — answer that," he deadpanned with a sigh, before hopping out of the mobile and waving off his friends with one last 'thank you' — clutching his purse closely by him as he made his way towards the castle entrance, glass heels clicking along the neatly paved sidewalk and up the grande staircase where gold details engraved every tiny intricate design that littered the walls.

Yet taking his attention away from the interior of the ballroom, Hoseok instantly felt his cheeks heat up from all the gasps and astonished looks given to him by the surrounding crowd.

Because the exact second he stepped inside, making a grande appearance just as everyone else did before him and would do as the night carried on, everyone immediately turned to face him with mouths wide agape at how simply beautiful he looked; decked out in a floor-length sky blue gown that sparkled brightly with embedded gemstones and silky ribbons — perfectly complimented his sharp yet soft and dainty features that wouldn't fit anyone else but him.

Someone people even dropped their drinks from how frozen and oddly threatened they felt from his mere presence — with his power too overbearing to even describe in words.

But then he remembered his step family would be here too, so not wanting to gain too much attention, Hoseok quickly ducked behind several caterers holding trays of champagne and refreshments as he made his way along one of the side corridors where he was successfully hidden away beneath the shadows while loud band music drowned out his breathless pants filled with nothing but pure relief that he was somehow, still unseen by his step brothers and step mother.

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