🐟Tᕼᗴ KOI ᖴIᔕᕼ 2:7

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‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊

"Senior Prom is only three weeks away! Buy tickets on sale the week of March 31st to April 6th.."

Hoseok had totally forgotten about prom, being much too focused on applying for colleges and working up extra money for his savings account just to ensure he wouldn't be completely broke in his freshman year at a university starting in September.

Thankfully, all his applications had been written months ago and he was just starting to hear back from his colleges, so at least that strenuous process was over and done with.

Still, with everything else going on he hadn't even realized how close senior prom was.

It sent a tingle of excitement yet nervousness down his spine at the same time, since deep down he really wanted to ask Yoongi, but then again, he didn't want to make things awkward between them since they were just friends at this point.

Why ruin a perfectly good friendship if you're aware of the risks that could come along with it?

Then again, it didn't have to necessarily be a date.

Lots of people 'ask' friends as their 'dates' and still have fun together, like buying corsages and dancing out on the dance floor until your feet heels hurt like hell.

It didn't necessarily mean they were romantically involved, Hoseok just happened to overthink everything.

Per usual.

Still, the thought absolutely terrified, and made him queasy just thinking about it.

Then again, it pumped this newfound confidence through his entire body completely contradicting that prior anxiousness flooding his system, the two contrasting emotions fighting out in a never ending battle.

It was quite a stressful thought process, but Hoseok calmed himself down saying that he still had three weeks until prom to get advice from his friends on what to do, since them four usually attended school dances together.

However, even though Hoseok loved going to dances and formals with his sturdy group of four, he couldn't help but fantasize over the fact of going with Yoongi for a change.

To him, it honestly didn't matter if they went as friends or a date, just the mere concept of it made his heart flutter and drove up his adrenaline.

Plus, maybe their two friend groups could all clash together and attend the dance as a group of seven, since they were somewhat familiar with each other by now.

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