🕓 𝗷𝗲 𝘁'𝗮𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝟰:𝟰 🕓

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Soon, a comforting and warm atmosphere filled the air just seconds after Yoongi handed Hoseok's phone back to him; which now held the digits that were indeed his phone number.

In all honesty, Yoongi wasn't quite sure if he did it to be flirty and just in the heat of the moment, or if he spiked genuine interest in Hoseok; whether that he platonically or romantically.

Either way, he was more than happy that he found the confidence within himself to ask, because if he hadn't taken that shot than who knows if he would ever see that boy again after their little yet unusual encounter.

Interrupting him out of his thoughts, Hoseok cleared his throat, "You play sugar and sweet?"

Yoongi's eyes glistened up at the idea, twinkling with an unknown fuzziness inside them as a long forgotten childhood memory was suddenly unlocked from the deepest corners of his brain, nostalgia instantly rushing towards him in the most bittersweet way possible.

"I love that game! I haven't played it in so long," Yoongi gasped, eyes too dazed to notice of Hoseok's gazed at him tenderly with crescent shaped eyes at the way how is own lit up from the simply suggestion.

Cute, is all Hoseok thought, though the simple word was enough to speak thousands.

"Great!" He chirped, giggling a bit at how spaced out Yoongi looked, purely in his own little world recollecting all of the past memories surrounding that game, "wanna play then?"

"Hell yeah," Yoongi said, snapping out of his trance and scooting across the very small width of the floor until he was now face-to-face with Hoseok, the tips of their shoes merely touching with their faces only inches apart.

Yoongi could've sworn he felt his face heat up at their close proximity, though he brushed it off reasoning that it was most likely nothing.

Yeah, nothing.

"Alright, ready?"

"Ready," Yoongi confirmed, eagerness gracing his voice as the two placed their hands in the proper position — the familiar warmth radiating off one another's skin satisfying them to unexplainable amounts, yet all they knew was that they craved more of it.

With one more deep breath in for extra good luck, the two began strong while singing the old rhyme in perfect unison.

"ABC it's easy as 1,2,3,

My momma takes care of me

My papa watched MTV,

My granny says:

Ooh, aaah, I wanna piece of pie.

Pie too sweet, i wanna piece of meat.

Meat too ruff I wanna ride a bus.

Bus too full, I wanna ride a bull.

Bull too black I want my money back.

Money back too green, I wanna a Lima bean.

Lima bean not cooked, I wanna read a book.

Book not read I want to go to bed.

Bed not made I want some lemonade

Lemonade too sour I wanna take a shower.

Shower too cool, I wanna go to school.

School too dumb, I wanna suck my thumb.

Thumb too dirty, I wanna ride a birdie.

Birdie too slow and that's all I know so close your eyes and count to ten, Whoever messes up starts all over again.....

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