🍓𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐞𝐮𝐝 𝟕:𝟔🍓

149 23 64

"How many sales did you get today?" Yoongi inquired sleepily, leaning his head back against the car seat as a brief wave of sleepiness loomed over him, begging his eyelids to give in to those final wishes and close shut.

But of course, he strained everything within himself to keep his body and conscious awake since he knew he'd regret it later if he let himself fall asleep in Hoseok's car which would leave him with the responsibility of coming out more tired than he began with.

Hoseok hummed in thought, actually having to recall all the memories inscribed of his brain to keep count, "I sold about fifty batches."

Yoongi raised both eyebrows in surprise, clearly impressed since it meant that fifty different people or families passed by Hoseok throughout the day and made the final decision to buy from him. And although usually Yoongi would bite back with an insult or brag of his own saying how he outsold Hoseok by a grand amount, he decided against it and genuinely felt very happy for the boy sitting besides him since he could easily tell from the blissful tone lacing Hoseok's voice that he was very much satisfied with himself.

So who was Yoongi to destroy that short term happiness that never came as easily on most days?

"Holy shit — you outsold the whole county," Yoongi chuckled through the compliment, purposely making it come out as a more joking tone only to hide the true fondness underlying it.

But of course Hoseok picked that up and already felt himself blushing immensely from the flattery.

"Oh shut, I heard Seokjin and his boyfriend Taehyung sold like one hundred and fifty of their little honeycombs, so I most definitely did not," Hoseok brushed off through mere mumbles, trying his absolute best to completely disregard that Yoongi had just complimented him instead of coming back with an insult or comparing their sales in any way shape or form.

Yoongi shrugged, "Doesn't count cuz they work as a team and you're just one person."

Hoseok smiled to himself, still managing to fight against those subtle urges to pull over and hug the living shit out the man beside him, but of course they both needed to get home after a long, and very tiresome day.

"I mean — maybe — but wait why are you even complimenting me? Aren't you supposed to be flaming the shit out of me about how I didn't get a lot of customers," Hoseok snickered, playfully smacking the brink of Yoongi's thigh before returning his had carefully to the wheel.

Jumping back from the very unexpected contact of Hoseok's hand touching his thigh, Yoongi quickly disregarded the interaction before retaliated with a soft-toned, "You may be annoying but I'm not gonna belittle your hard work, it's not like I'm a total asshole or anything," he chimed, momentarily shooting Hoseok a toothy grin; one that Hoseok of course missed entirely since he was paying attention to the road ahead of them.

"I beg to differ."

Yoongi gasped offendedly, "Excu—"

"I'm just kiddinggg," Hoseok chuckled, finding it humorous with just how their way of joking with one another worked, "in fact you're really not an asshole at all, you know? You're just practical and honestly I could use some of that since I feel like I get carried away at times."

Yoongi's stare faltered, immediately simmering down into a relaxed side glance full of admiration for the driver; truly feeling valid from the sincere compliment since it was so oddly specific that it wouldn't be able to come from anyone else but Hoseok.

Biting at the inside of his gums nervously, Yoongi messed around with the hem of his shorts before managing out a hushed, "Yeah but sometimes I wish I were more like you — I feel like I take my job too seriously and you're just so carefree all the time like nothings ever wrong."

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