Chapter One: As obvious as Plankton trying to steal the Krabby Patty formula

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A/N: Hi! I'm Kaydee. I don't really like long author's notes. I prefer to just get straight to the story, but since this is the first chapter, I'd like to say a little something. This is my first official wattpad book and I really hope you like it.

Please give it a try and vote, comment and share. I'd really appreciate. Thanks.

Also, at every chapter I'm going to drop a video of a song I thought of. It's not necessarily related to the chapter so don't use that to judge the mood of the chapter. Plus, it's not always a full music video, it could just be a clip from a movie.


Song: Introducing Me by Nick Jonas from the movie; Camp Rock 2

Chapter One: As obvious as Plankton trying to steal the Krabby Patty formula

"Wake up!" She practically yelled bouncing up and down my back.

"Get out! My alarm hasn't rung yet."

That was when my alarm took it as its courtesy to blast its ear-splitting tune. I groaned, grabbed my pillow that Reveka had slipped out from under my head and used it to cover my ears as much as possible. To my dismay, it made little difference.

"Ha!" She yelled as if proving me wrong. Stupid, as usual. "Get up, Charrrrrrrr! We'll be late."

"That doesn't make any logical sense. My alarm just rang."

"So? It's the first day of senior year. Isn't there a rule to get there extra early so you'll be there before everyone else?"

"If everyone followed that rule, everyone would be extra early, so what exactly would be the point?"

I expected different answers from her as she thought it over, but all she said, more like grumbled, was "Shut up, smartass!" as she stormed out. Dramatic, much?

I got up grudgingly and went to get ready. When I was done showering, the hard part was choosing what to wear. It's not like the first day of senior year was that much of a big deal. Not to me, at least. So I went with casuals. I wore my favourite shirt-white, long sleeved and with the DJ, Marshmallow's face printed on it. I paired it with black ripped jeans and my Adidas sneakers. I let my caramel brown hair down in its usual waves, stopping at my mid back. Simple.

I jogged downstairs, only to see Reveka eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She wasn't lactose intolerant but she wasn't a fan of cereal or milk. Weird, right?

"Where's mum? Hasn't she come back from her late night shift?"

My mum was a nurse so she was always called in at odd hours, but she hadn't always been out this long. Ever since dad left, 2 years ago, she'd been working at extra hours to make ends meet. Lucky for us, Shane, my 21 year old brother, was on a football scholarship at college. His twin, Shayna, was also on a scholarship at a fashion school. By next fall, they'd have already graduated.

By the way things were going, I wouldn't have been able to pay for college. Good thing I took matters into my own hand.

"She called and said she took an extra shift this morning. I just don't get why."

"You know how she is." I explained, though that wasn't much of an explanation.

"I just don't get why she won't let us get jobs to support her."

"We've heard her explanation about a billion times so please don't ask her that again. I'm not ready for another 'Let the parents do the parenting' lecture."

"And as I point out every time when she's not listening. Parents, emphasis on the 's', and we only have one parent so it doesn't apply."


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