Chapter Thirty-four: A lot like you, but the total opposite

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Song: Boyfriend by Ariana Grande and Social House

Chapter Thirty-four: A lot like you, but the total opposite

"Just go and talk to her, you dummy."

It was Saturday and after the visit to my mum, Xander came to pick me up saying we had important business to attend to. Anything was better than spending time at the house with just the giggling clones since the parents were at work, even though it was a Saturday, Reveka was out, as usual, and Aaron was spending the weekend with his cool uncle that did magic tricks. At least, that's what he told me. Turns out the important business was to help him get a girl he was smitten with after just meeting her on Thursday. 

Honestly, you'd think the most popular girls at your school things to do than gossip while looking pretty.

They were probably popular because of how hot they were and the amount of guys they've slept with since I could see no other reason.

If that's the road to popularity, I'm fine being a 'bottom feeder' or 'lesser' or whatever they called people like me. It's not like I was lonely, I had a few friends. It's just that to them, I was antisocial. I knew how to be fun, but mostly with people I was close with. Only they could understand my inner jokes and sarcasm. I wouldn't want to be judged.

He turned and glared at me. "It's not that easy."

"Why not? You talk to girls all the time. I mean you're talking to me right now."

"You're a different kind of girl."

My mouth dropped open. "Okay. That's offensive."

He turned back to peek at her behind the potted plant. "I mean to me. You're a different kind of girl to me."

I muttered. "I don't see how that's supposed to make it better."

"I just like her, okay? I don't know why but I do." He fan-boyed. "She even called me pretty."


"When I walked up to her and wanted to order a cup of fro yo, she said 'Hey pretty boy'."

I rolled my eyes as he sighed. "People compliment you all the time."

"Yeah, but the way she said it was so... So..." He struggled to find the right words.

I snorted. "Magical."

"Yes. That."

I laughed at the fact he agreed. I was honestly surprised he was this love- struck by a girl he met at the mall 2 days ago. It's a love at first sight thing, I guess. 

"Stop laughing. I'm serious." He grumbled.

"Xander. You're the kind to fall in and out of love very fast, so forgive me if I'm not taking you seriously."

He scowled. "But this is different. It feels different."

I raised my brows. "Don't you say that all the time?"

"I'm not going to stand here and listen to you mocking me."

"You knew I would, but you brought me here anyways."

He glared. "To support me."

"Fine. Fine." I raised my hands in mock surrender. "I'll help you. It's just hard to believe you've changed because a girl called you pretty."

"It's not just that. She's beautiful and charming and nice. A lot like you, but the total opposite."

I punched his shoulder the hardest I could.

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