Chapter Twenty-four: Welcome to our humble abode

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Song: 47 hours by Kira Kosarin

Chapter Twenty-four: Welcome to our humble abode

We are doomed. D-O-O-M-E-D!!

I was really frustrated with the way things were going. I hadn't seen my mum since I got here. I don't know how long I've been sitting here, but she's been in surgery for hours.

I'm starting to hate hospitals!

I'm not even affected by the fact that we'll have no money because both my mum and I won't be able to work, I'm just thinking about her surviving this. I literally can't live the rest of my life without my mother.

Dr. Wallace said she was crossing the street into the hospital when a car hit her and drove off, even though the car wasn't supposed to pass. The stupid driver didn't even stop to see if she was okay.

Dr. Wallace is my Mum's friend. We've met him a bunch of times. He said she has some broken bones, but I wasn't paying attention to him. All I knew was that she would be on the bed for weeks.

If she survives.

Of course she will.

"You have to rest Cherry." Zane handed me a bottle of water.

"I'll rest when I can see my mum and she's perfectly fine again." I almost yelled at him.

He stretched out his hand further so I could take the bottle of water, ignoring my snappy comment.

I took the bottle of water. "Thanks."

Reveka, Sam, Zane, Xander, Zahra and I were sitting in the waiting room. I was grateful to them for being here, but I hadn't looked away from the spot on the floor I had been staring at since.

"I wanted you to drink the water, not crush it."

It was then I realized I was squeezing the bottle hard. I released it and placed it beside me. I wasn't in the mood for cool, refreshing liquids.

"I understand how you feel, more than you know in fact, but you need to rest. The doctor wouldn't like to hear of it."

I didn't reply him.

"Speaking of doctors..." He trailed off.

It was then Dr. Wallace approached me. I stood up really fast.

"How is she?"

"She's okay and out of surgery, but she's not awake yet. It wasn't as bad as car accidents usually go since she was running out of the way.  She has a bad gash on one leg. She also broken a few ribs, and she has a broken arm. You can see her tomorrow. You should go home, it's getting dark."

"Home? I can't stay home without my mother."

"That's right. You need a legal guardian since she won't be coming home for a while."

I don't like where this is going.

Neither do I.

"So you'll have to stay in your father's house. He's in the other room. He's going to take you with him."

"He's not my father."

"He is. He's just not your mother's husband."

I crossed my arms. "Same difference. I'm not going."

Dr. Wallace touched my shoulder. "Charvi. Your mother would be fine. You can see her tomorrow after school. I promise I'll let you in and you know me, I wouldn't lie to you."

"Can't I just sleep here?" I whined.

He shook his head. "You know your mother wouldn't like that."

I dropped my hands and sighed. "Fine."

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