Chapter Forty-nine: Sugar, spice and everything nice

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I'm posting a bonus part to show the costumes. At least some of them, but you can imagine them however you want.


Song: Break This Down by Descendants 3 Cast

Chapter Forty-nine: Sugar, spice and everything nice

"You're really killing that Red Riding Hood costume." I complimented Leyla.

She smiled and spun around. "Thanks. I love your costume too."

Zane and I were rocking the old western style in our costumes. He picked them out and didn't show me till this evening after school. He said he got his inspiration from the Old Town Road video, like that's the best place. I don't see why we have to go to school on Halloween.

It's not an official holiday. Plus it's Thursday.

Who cares? The Principal won't die if he just gave us a day off.

"Thanks." I smiled at her.

Zane had wandered off to get us some punch that looks like vampire blood- I've heard- and so far Leyla was the only one of my friends I'd seen.

"Where are the rest?"

"I've only seen Xander."

"Who's he dressed as?"

She laughed a little. "He calls himself 'sexy cop'."

I snorted. "Of course he does."

I felt a hand on my back. I turned expecting to see Zane, but I yelped out of surprise. It was a knight. I jumped back and snapped. "Who are you and why are you touching me?"

I heard chuckling as the person removed their helmet. It was Wren.

I rolled my eyes. "You know how paranoid and jumpy I am. Don't come up to me like that. In that." I gestured to his outfit.

He laughed. "Don't worry I'm not wearing the helmet anymore, it's choking."

"Dolt." I laughed. "Love the armor though."

"I know right."

"I see you went with my idea." Zane said as he came back and handed me the vampire blood.

"You're drinking my blood. Mwah-ha-ha." The vampire started laughing. I turned around to see Axel, dressed in very white makeup and blood dripping from the side of his face. What did I say?

You're always right.

I know right.

"Your evil laugh needs a lot more- how do I put this?- evilness." I commented. "You sounded like you were choking."

I turned as I saw a bunny hopping past us. I would have loved that costume. It's hilarious.

"I'll take that as advice and not an insult."

We continued with our funny and playful banter until colorful girls walked up to us.

What are they wearing?

Blue, pink, gre- What the hell? Really?

"Are you guys really dressed as the powerpuff girls?"

"Yes, and don't be jealous with that cowboy getup of yours." Hannah commented with a proud smile even though she had pig tails tied in ribbons.

Leyla ignored her. "I only see three of you. Where's Skyler?"

Yeah, it was just Anastasia in pink, Blossom. Hannah in blue, Bubbles. And Amelia in green, Buttercup.

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