Chapter Twenty-seven: You're going to get us hauled over the coals

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Song: Rewrite The Stars by Zac Efron and Zendaya from the movie; The Greatest Showman

Chapter Twenty-seven: You're going to get us hauled over the coals

I pushed him away from me and rushed to her. 

She looked like she was on the verge of crying. "Why Char?"

"It's not what you think."

"When someone says that, it's exactly what the other person thinks."

"I'm not just someone. I'm your friend. I'd never betray you like that. You know me."

She shook her head. "I'm not so sure about that anymore."

This can't seriously be happening right now.

From trying to defend my best friend to that jerk, I hurt her.

"Leyla, no." I walked up to her to grab her hand, but she recoiled in disgust. Okay, that hurt. I'm not a terrible friend, right?

"Stay away from me, Charvi! I never want to see you again. I can't believe you'd do this to me." She wanted to walk around me, but I came in front of her. She looked at me with so much hatred, I almost shrunk back at the intensity. She pushed me away, hard. Right where it hurt. I hit the lockers with a bang and sank to the floor, clutching my torso. Unconscious tears were slipping from my eyes due to the pain.

Double ouch.

She was stronger that I gave her credit for since it seemed like a hundred bricks came crashing down on me.

She didn't even look back to check if I was okay. She just walked up to Axel.

"I loved you!" She screamed at him. I could see the tears in her eyes now. "You used me! You cheated on me with my best friend!" She looked at me on the floor, and quickly glanced away. 

I pushed myself up and began walking towards her. As fast as I could. Which was not very fast anyways. I was practically gasping for air. It seemed like all the air in my lungs had been knocked out.

"Leyla I can explain-" He started, but she cut him off. "I thought you loved me too." She said that softly.

"Leyla." I called out to her. "You don't understand."

Her eyes flashed to mine, tears brimming in both mine and hers. "I understand perfectly. You two deserve each other!" She yelled before she stalked away. Probably out of school.

I would have chased after her, but my side hurt so much I had to rest on the lockers. So much for not putting pressure on it. I shut my eyes and let the tears fall. Not only from the pain, but from the frustration, the anger, the world. Things are not going my way at all.

"Charvi, are you okay?" I didn't have to open my eyes to see it was Axel who had rushed to my side.

I gnashed my teeth in anger and breathed out. "Go after her, you dickhead. Go and apologize to her."

"But you're crying."

I opened my eyes and glared at him. "So is she. And it's your fault. This whole mess is all your fault."

He looked down at his feet. "I'm sorry I can't help the way I feel. I love you, Char."

I blinked at him in utter disgust. "And that gave you a reason to use her? To make me jealous? Stay away from me, Axel. I literally just lost my best friend because of you. I'm tired, in pain, and I just want to be left alone."

"In pain?" That seemed to be the only part he caught in that. His eyes searched my body and zoned in on my hand on my torso. He raised my shirt forcefully and his eyes widened at the rib belt. "What happened to you Char?" 

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