Chapter Seventy-two: Luna

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Song: Did I Mention by Mitchell Hope from the movie; Descendants

Chapter Seventy-two: Luna

>>>>Charvi's POV<<<<

My eyes fluttered open. I must have been too exhausted to stay awake. My eyes adjusted to my surroundings. I was still in this familiar, but unfamiliar place and my cheeks were tear stained. I stood up from my bed.

Wait, I can stand up. There were no chains or handcuffs tying me to my bed. And I could talk. He released me. There was a table- my table- with food on it. If he thinks I am eating what he makes me, he must be mistaken. I headed for the door. And struggled with it. It was locked. I searched my hair, but there were no hairpins. I did the next best thing. I started banging the door.

"Help!" I begged and screamed. "Somebody please help me! I've been kidnapped by a psycho! Please! Help me! Please!" I slid down on the floor and rested my back the door, tears dripping from my face. Somebody please help me. I rubbed my wrists. They had purple bruises from all the struggling I did last night with the handcuffs. Also my ankles.

He's right. No one can hear me from down here.

"I would hardly call myself a psycho."

I jumped at his voice and lifted my head from the ground. He was standing at the door of my bathroom. The moment I saw him, I attacked. I ran towards him and jumped on him. The impact was so hard he stumbled and fell on the floor. I was on top of him, punching and screaming. "Let me go you sicko! Release me and I won't say anything about it. I miss my family! I miss my friends! You can't lock me here forever! Please just release me- goddammit."

He pushed me off him in one swift motion and came to be on top of me. He trapped me down with his hands holding down my hands and his leg pinning me down on both sides. "I did not release you so you could attack me." He warned.

"What did you expect? For me to sit and eat with you?"

"You belong to me now."

"Let me go you, you-"

"Me what?"

"I'm just so angry I can't come up with anything now."

He smiled. "Well, let me ease your anger." And then he started leaning down.

I fought him off me, but it was no use. I was pinned down. "Don't you dare!"

"Dare what? Kiss you? What part of you belong to me do you not understand? The only thing I won't force you to do is sleep with me." He smirked at me. "You'll want that voluntarily."

"Over my dead body!" I spat on his face.

He gritted his teeth. "Why do you have to make things so difficult?"

"I do not want to be here. If you really say you love me, you have to let me go."

Pulling that card?

I've tried everything. I might as well try this one. I needed to get out of here. If not, I don't know what I'll do.

"I want you. So I am going to keep you."

"But I am not your pet."

"Avery look, wait should I call you Charvi? No I'll give you my own name. How about Luna? It's the name of a girl I once knew that reminded me of you."

That was what Jayden had said.

"Did you kidnap her too?" I asked just to spite him.

"No, she died."

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