Chapter Sixty-five: A lion about to devour a mouse

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Song: The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars

Chapter Sixty-five: A lion about to devour a mouse

One step was pleasant, the other one was more of prissy and perfect than pleasant. 

You have to have a heart to be fully perfect.

Well, then she's almost perfect.

Aaron ran up to me in the doorstep and pulled me in a hug. I smiled at him. He raised up a long black hat and showed me. "I have a rabbit. I have a rabbit." He repeated hysterically.


"Uncle Ian put a rabbit in it and then gave me. He said I shouldn't pull it out until I got home." 

Anastasia walked past him as she entered the house. Not before mentioning, "Uncle Ian is a cheap rip-off of what a magician is supposed to be. There's no rabbit in the stupid hat!"

"There is so a rabbit and it's not a stupid hat. This is why Uncle Ian never asks you to visit!" He yelled as he went after Anastasia. 

She stopped at the foyer and just started mimicking him. Then they went into full-time bickering. I rolled my eyes and closed the door after me and walked in after them. 

Shayna descended the stairs and came to stand beside me without them even noticing. "These are his stepchildren, aren't they?"    

"Yup." I pointed at them. "Arabella. Aaron."

"Do they always argue like this?"

"Well, sometimes. When they are in the same room."

She nodded. "Well, I have a headache. I'm going back up. I'll meet them tomorrow."

I laughed at her expression as she passed them before going close to them to try to stop their arguments before Anastasia pulled Aaron's curly, black hair out. I actually liked it. "Would you guys quit arguing?" 

Anastasia turned to glare at me. "Stay out of it, Charity."

Really? We're still at that?

I decided to ignore her and turned to Aaron. "Your Uncle Ian the Great isn't a cheap rip-off of what a magician is supposed to be."

"Yeah, he's an expensive one." Anastasia replied. "He needs to stop feeding on Mum's money."

Aaron turned to her with an angry face. "He's in a rough patch! Siblings are meant to help each other out. With the way you're acting, I don't think I wanna help you."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh shut up. I'm 10 years older than you, you're the one who'll be needing my help when I'm a famous model and everyone loves me."

He scoffed. "Not with that attitude."

She shrieked. "You little brat."

He laughed and started running out the room with Anastasia trailing behind him. They didn't go very far because Aaron bumped into Shane, and Shane had to steady him with his hands. He looked at Aaron, then Anastasia then me.

I looked everywhere but at him. That is why my eyes landed on Anastasia. She was staring at Shane like she was a lion about to devour a mouse. She cat-walked towards him, yanked Aaron aside and put her hands on his biceps. "Mmm." She hummed. "I likey." Shane looked down at her with his brows raised, peeled her hand off him and then backed away. She didn't seem to get the memo because she moved with him. He walked quickly to my side and flashed me a nervous smile. "Char... Who are these people?"

I went to pick up Aaron from where Anastasia had pushed him to the floor. He dusted himself off and glared at her. I turned back to Shane with a smile. "The steps."

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