Chapter Twelve: No need to go all angry wolfy on me

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Song: You Are The Reason by Calum Scott

Chapter Twelve: No need to go all angry wolfy on me

It all happened so fast.

You're a dolt.

I know.

I was behind him when my phone started ringing, and now I had a different reason to spill my drink on him.

To distract him from you?


You're still a dolt.

I know.

He was turning around, when I 'tripped' and 'accidentally' spilled my drink on him.

"What the hell?!" He exclaimed as he stood up immediately.

Should I run?

That wasn't part of the plan.

But he seems so angry.

You should have thought of that before you decided to be a dolt.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to." 

At least, you didn't swear.

"You are so going to pay for this."

Stop yelling! You're causing a scene.

No, you are. You caused him to cause a scene.

"Avery?" Leyla seemed to finally notice I was the cause of her soaked date.

How was this idea supposed to work again?


Improve your vocabulary.

It's your vocabulary.



I grabbed a paper towel and began patting his back to soak the drink from his shirt. He just glared at me.

At least now, he won't notice the phone ringing in your back pocket.

Told you it was a solid plan.

I'm not supporting it.

"That's not helping." He said through gritted teeth.

"I'm actually going to work now, so you know...." I lifted his hand and used it to hold the paper towel I had just put on his shirt.

I started backing away slowly.

"You work here, right? Let's see what your manager has to say about this."

"Come on Axel." Leyla touched his shoulder. "She's my friend. She said it was an accident. It's not like she'd do it on purpose, right?" She turned to me and smiled.

"Of course not. I'm not a monster." I laughed awkwardly.


Not helping.

"Is she going to pay for the dry cleaning of the shirt? Can she even afford that?" He scoffed.

"I can so afford it. But I'm not going to pay for it. It was an accident. I know you're angry at me, but there's no need to throw my money conditions in my face. It's not nice. You don't even know if I'm rich and I just love waitressing. And don't bother complaining to my boss because right now," I gestured to my outfit. I hadn't worn the uniform shirt yet. "I'm a customer."

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