Chapter Forty-two: In the place where the lost things go

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Song: I Think I Kinda, You Know by Olivia Rodrigo and Joshua Bassett from the series; HSMTMTS

Chapter Forty-two: In the place where the lost things go

I think I'm fat.

"I think you're fat." Reveka commented.

I gasped at how she read my mind. She wasn't allowed to say that. Only I was.

"She's not fat." Mum supported.

We were seated on the couch in Mum's hospital room.

It was Saturday, and apart from hearing Zane's voice every night, I did nothing but eat and eat and eat and sleep. Oh yeah, I went to school, but it was all a blur. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I finished all that food.

Dad had restocked the house with all my favorite foodstuff. Anastasia and her mum were quite pissed off that their green stuff had to be reduced for Reveka and I's stuff to fit the fridge. Aaron was pretty happy, complaining about how he never gets to eat any sweet stuff. Poor boy!

"She is. She's just hiding it all under that big T-shirt dress."

"It reaches my knee so she can see my legs. Do they look fat to you?"


I rolled my eyes at her. "We have the same stature so if I'm fat, you're fat."

"I'm not fat."


She turned to Mum. "She's been feeding herself to death because Bruny's in Paris with a hot model."

I ignored the rest of her sentence. "You can't feed yourself to death." I snorted.

"You seem to be testing that hypothesis."

"If you keep arguing, I'll never get to share the good news with you."

We both turned to her.

"What could be better than what we'd already told you?" Reveka asked.

We had told Mum about Dad's promise and she was shocked at first then became very glad that she wouldn't have to carry the stress of doing it all by herself. She said she was fine with it and we shouldn't worry about them getting along. I let her get away with that lie because I remembered how she broke down in his office.

"That's great too. But this is also great."

I was eager to find out. "What is it?"

"Dr. Wallace just asked me to be his girlfriend."

I did something I wouldn't normally do. I squealed. Squealed, I tell you. Then I hugged her. 

"Mum I'm so happy for you." Rev cooed.

"Me too. That's really great."

"You both don't know if I said yes yet."

"We can tell."

She laughed at that. "There's also more good news, but I'm not sure how you're going to take it. You know this is the end of my third week in the hospital, and Dr. Wallace expects me to stay 3 more weeks."

Reveka nudged her elbow. "We know why now."

"You're lucky you're on the side of my good arm."

"Just continue." Rev pressed.

"Well... He said, when I get out of the clinic, he's taking me along with him on his trip to Africa."

"Oh God Mum! You've always wanted to go to Africa." 

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