Chapter Twenty-one: I rather be the TNT to your ego

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Song: Speechless by Naomi Scott from the movie; Aladdin

Chapter Twenty-one: I rather be the TNT to your ego

I didn't think I could move so quickly.

Immediately he scrambled off me, I was out of the water without slipping or sliding. Even though we weren't doing anything, I know how this must seem to his girlfriend and I didn't want any problems.

I began squeezing as much water as I could out of my dress. It felt so uncomfortable all of a sudden.

Maybe it has to do with the fact you got it all wet.

"Serena." He called out. "You were looking for me? Why?"

She glanced at me. "I'm your date, remember? You're meant to be with me."

I snatched my diadem that was still floating, and gathered all my accessories in my hand. I must have looked like a lunatic.

"I think I should just get going." I mumbled, hoping they would catch it because I really didn't want to repeat myself. I wasn't in the mood for talking.

"No." Zane said.

Serena turned to him, a puzzled look on her face. "No? Why no?"

He looked like he was thinking of what to say. I don't have time for this. I'm going home.

"I'm leaving." I remarked as I walked past him. I hesitated at the door. I couldn't go out like this.

You have no choice.

"Should I go with you?" He asked, his voice sounding a little closer. He probably moved. I didn't get to answer because Serena did it for me.

"She doesn't need a chaperone querido." I could sense her rolling her eyes, though I couldn't see her.

I pushed the slightly ajar door open and walked out.

Only a few curious eyes turned to me and I tried my hardest to focus on the table I was heading to. From where I was, I could see Axel, Leyla and Xander sitting at the table. Kai and Zahra were nowhere to be seen. Xander was texting on his phone and Leyla and Axel were engaged in a conversation. More like Leyla was talking and Axel was eating. Light music was playing in the background since it was time to eat.

We would have done a slideshow filled with pictures for entertainment, but Leyla said it wasn't sophisticated enough for a ball so the idea got shut down fast.

Once I got to the table, the first thing I did was grab my purse so I could stuff my wet accessories in it. I looked less of an idiot without them. I think.

"Do I want to know?" Xander, who was closest to my seat, asked.

I shook my head. "I don't think so."

"Well, I want to know." Axel's voice made me raise my head. He was staring at me wide-eyed. Then his eyes flashed to something behind me and stayed there. I turned to see what was more interesting than a soaking wet person in a ball gown.


A soaking wet person in a tuxedo.

He was walking towards our table, being trailed behind by Angel.

She's not an angel.

I didn't say she was, I just called her Angel.

"Am I missing something here?" He gestured between me and Zane with his index finger.

"No, you're not." I turned to Leyla. "I think I better get home. I'm so sorry I couldn't stay till the end."

Her eyes widened. "What? I was going to ask my friends to say a little about me. You can't go."

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